What job would you do that you can't do now, if you weren't mentally ill?

I used to watch Dr House but since I got sz I don’t like seeing sick ppl or religious stuff especially mentally ill ppl or seeing Jesus as a hallucination like one Dr House episode as it happened to me when I was psychotic.

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Cleaning, maybe not fabolous But i like it.


Grey’s Anatomy is pretty good, and generally, it doesn’t have mentally ill patients much.

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Oh man I made this rock paper scissors game with text. It kept score count and would have the comp player random choice. And a couple of prompts in Java.

It was a pain in the butt lol took a while to figure out the errors. But eventually it all worked!


When I was a kid I would say an astronaut, fighter pilot, or something. But then when my mom married my step-father, I wanted to be an automation/“robotic” engineer, but then schizophrenia and reality hit and I wasn’t good in school or a high achiever or came from a great background. I blame my dad a lot. He can’t deal with my illness, but I still love him and care about him. I figure he feels that way too but just lacks sympathy and emotions for his only child.

My step-father’s story is amazing like how he achieved so much and was a stellar student. Makes me feel dumb especially with schizophrenia, but ya, he must have been gifted and talented and crap. I don’t think I was ever smart like that and it just makes me feel bad now and I have more introspection and insight.

I really liked finance and business and took after my step-father. I mean he doesn’t make a lot of money especially now but we used to have money a little like it was night and day with my other family (my own family) (dad and his family). I got a taste of that when I was a kid. Like nice steaks, etc.

I don’t think I was ever smart enough to be an actuary, quant (wall street type), etc. I don’t even like school anymore – it took 10 years to get over not graduating or earning a degree – ever. I don’t know. Covid-19 makes it nicer so I can study at home and online, but it’s still a pandemic. I don’t want to drive or go anywhere, really.

If I do go back to school, I might do computer science online, but I prefer and want a cheap school with abet. Preferably a laid back, easy school with certs and regulations and stuff. Brick and mortar, probably a local public college.

I still collect math books.

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I would be a computer graphics animation designer/programmer

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If it wasnt for my social phobia thats making me uncomfortable in front of people, I would have opted for a career in academia, maybe I would be a professor today…on the other hand, I am kind of ok with my life right now overall. I dont think being a professor is my favorite anymore…they live in the ivory tower too much… I now have a job thats not perfect, but I am out in the middle of thausands of people trying to catch their flights to anywhere in the world. I am a security man at the airport doing passenger security controls…I get to see people from all nationalities and interact with them…

I would have an own business as a tradesman.

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I guess military maybe. I did try to sign up once.

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I would be a train engineer. I was always fascinated with the railroad.


Id probably go back to working as a security guard…the money is so easy, you basically would be getting paid for being on ur smartphone.

I would be flying. It’s been so long now.

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If I didn’t have psychosis, anxiety and panic- attacks I would pursue an education and train some form of martial arts.


I would go into social work. Used to work in a group home before my sz flaired up. Currently out of work on disability.

Instead of being a tradesman, I’d be a good tradesman.

I considered being a postman at one point. Seems like a nice job with walking involved. I’m not certain but I think I’ve heard that people with schizophrenia can’t work for the post office. I’d probably end up talking with dogs on my route.

“You don’t say, Meatloaf? So that Jezebel is a tramp? She was boinking the neighbor’s chihuahua?”

Maybe not a good idea after all.


I have an old roommate who was a postman. He walked up to 25 kms a day :exploding_head: that’s like 125 kms a week.

Full endurance

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Preferably something to do with music. It’s always been a passion, tho these days things are different I still try and listen to as much as I can when I can. If music couldn’t work out the way I would want it to then I don’t know. Something I could tolerate and retire off of.

I would definitely have a degree
But all I’d probably do is office work because it’s easy
I’d like do the typing in a hospital or work as a temp

I wanted to be a pharmacist before

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