What is your worst side effect from your medication?

Hey guys, as above, thoughts?

I honestly have a hard time telling the difference between the negatives of sz and the effects of meds so I have a hard time answering your question.

I have Anhedonia though so I’m going to say that, whether or not it’s caused by meds or sz or a combination of the two I just don’t know.

The meds also make me tired and lethargic during the day.

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Raised prolactin

However I am told the benefit of the med is worth the risk

Have had much worse on other meds

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I can’t orgasm and I have a hard time losing weight.

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constant stress and trouble sleeping.

I think the memory and focus and cognitive dysfunction.

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Abilify - mania

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Avolition , insomnia , weight gain and dysphoria

Are you on ssri?

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Farting - Cymbalta, an infrequent side effect

I’m on an ssnri but I’ve had that side effect for about 8 yrs and only had the ssnri for about 2 years

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I had those before being put on meds so sz can also cause these.

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Since switching meds I have discovered my old med is what had given me crippling anxiety for the past 7 years.


Ya. I think it’s both in my case. I’m still better off with meds.

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Weight gain, I have to watch myself.

Idk how much is meds but I think the most damage is done by sz as I still had negative symptoms off meds, at first I had increased energy and was walking outside a lot but then towards the end before getting back on meds I was staying in my room all day.

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I could never get back to as before sz even a bit and even after stopping meds for 2yrs. I am sure sz did some permanent brain damage. Stimulants helped a bit but made me irritable and paranoid, also they will probably lose their effect with time too just like stopping meds and bcz the brain gets used to them.

The insomnia I am experiencing after quitting Olanzapine is the absolute worse, it’s a problem countless people complain about online on various websites.

While I was on olanzapine I was fat, developed diabetes, high cholesterol and triglycerides.

I’m was not and am not happy with that medication.

I’m on Lurasidone now, much better.

Hair loss :sob: took me a while to decide but yea my hair means a lot to me. It is a part of my femininity.

I guess not being able to run. Is a close first.

Regularly running helped to keep me significantly more healthy!