B rizzle azizzle… At your service :bows:
My name is Zach
Do you have a son named austin?
Err well, if everyone else can do it, so can I!
I am Christina.
Pronounced like kree-steen-a instead of Chris-stina.
Is that your recording?
I am the damaged one…chris to those i let know my name.
I think you’re just replying to show off your new-found upside-down smiley. (I kid, I kid.)
I’m taking every opportunity to use it
Feelin i upside down today aren’t, ya
Always. Never inside out though, that would be gross
Yes I do 151515
Aw! Cool! That’s sweet
my name is cassie
Nice to meet you all. I am as paranoid as anyone else but I figure someone will track me down with an IP address long before they will ever figure out who I am based on my first name. That really isn’t a whole lot to go on as far as acquiring one’s identity.
What’s in a name, anyway? A rose by any other name is still a rose.
My name is Lindsey. Most who know me call me Lindz.
I just heard that song XD
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