What Is Your Musical Pyramid?


What I Mean By Musical Pyramid Is… . …

What Is Your Foundation. What Is Your Middle. What Is Your Tip. Of Pyramid?.

What Was The First Song Or Artist That Grabbed Your Full Attention?.

And So On. . .

But!, You Can Only Choose Three.

The Most Important Ones. . .

Mine Begins With. . .

  • 100.) Madonna (Foundation)

  • 50.) Green Day. (Middle)

  • 1.) Radiohead. (Tip)

(With Many Artist Before, During, And After)

Hopefully That Makes Sense.

I’m Sure It Isn’t That Confusing. . . . . . .

P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Eternal Peace!.

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Uh, ghosts, mayonnaise. Me: “THINGS THAT ARE WHITE!”
Yes, Uh, sneakers, boots. Me: " TYPES OF SHOES?
Yes, you’re going to the winners circle.

Sister Hazel

Polyphonic Spree (Light and Day)

The Lumineers

I Wanna Hold Your Hand, by The Beatles
She Loves You, by The Beatles

Cut my teeth on classic 60’s/70’s rock so Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin.

Grew up to 80’s punk and alternative.

Now I’m 50 mostly a little bit of this or that but something I enjoy.

Still don’t see the appeal of Radiohead except maybe Street Spirit. That really is an amazing song. :slight_smile:


Foundation, Spoon, turn my camera on.

middle, Bjork, I play dead

tip, air alone in Tokyo

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First song to really grab my attention because it was good, not because mainstream said I should like it was ‘you get what you give’ by New Radicals.
The band that’s held the ‘middle’ of my musical taste and influenced my style the most is Mew.
And the song that brings me the most joy these days is either ‘the veldt’ by Deadmau5, or ‘This must be the place’ by Talking Heads.

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I always think of you when I hear this song now, lol, this is like the Miika song

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Haha :smiley:
It always makes me happy when I hear it. The band Gloria did a really good and upbeat cover of it

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Pink flloyd
Kate Bush
Florence and the machine

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Loved that video!


Yum!. Yum!. Dem Sum!.

Thanx!, @JustTrish, Go Check Her Out On YouTube. She Has A Few More Great Videos There. . .


Her Debut Album. . .

Is A Hallucination To Behold!. . . Okokok…, I’m Kidding. Her Album Isn’t A Hallucination. . .

Or Is It (???).

Either Way…, It’s Fantastic. . .

The Song ‘I Love You’, Is Impeccable. . . . . . .

P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Eternal Peace!.


well Heres one for the ages. @FOREST SWORDS

obstinate: word of the day.

Forest Swords - Crow (Official Visual) - YouTube

The foundation or roots of music for me was Gordon Lightfoot

In large part my love of music is the Blues

And Neil Young is the tippity top

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Watched some documentary like stuff on Billie. What a talented family!

Thanks for the suggestion, bro! :hugs:

What about stevie ray Vaughan?