What is your main transportation

Mine is a bicycle or a local bus (especially in winter), I would have created a poll, but I do not know how to create one.

Walking, YMCA van or my mother in law gives us rides.

Walking is great, good exercising, I may have to walk too, because my bicycle tire broke again, 3rd time in this year.

Mine is a bike now. I am not allowed to drive for three months until my meds settle. Sucks, but I like cycling. Going to have to get the train to work though as it’s a long way away.

Got an old rusty Buick. Oh she goes though!

Main transportation, Car

I use car. I hate the crowded metro or bus.

Ever since I was 15, I’ve used a car/truck/SUV exclusively. Haven’t been on a bus since I was 7 or 8. Hated the bicycle. I used to run a lot, but my ass got to be too fat after stopping and I am working on my stamina. I also get hella shin splints. I now get winded walking up a hill. Pretty sad considering my best 2-mile run time was about 13:30.

When I go on a group outing I ride of the our vans. Other than that, I walk where I need to go. I don’t get out much. I’m thinking about fixing a flat tire on this guy’s bicycle and riding it six miles into Siloam Springs and buying a bottle of liquor. There isn’t much of a shoulder on part of the road, so that could be dangerous. I doubt if I’ll do it.

Not to sound like a prick, but according to some of your posts, you’ve gone WAY out of your way for alcohol before. I think you’d be doing just fine if you got some treatment for the alcoholism. Mixing alcohol and psych meds is dumb.

Maybe they’ll destroy my liver and I’ll die young. That’s just that many fewer years I have to be mentally ill and the tax payer has to support me.

“That’s just that many fewer years I have to be mentally ill and the tax payer has to support me.”

If you actually were to spend some time thinking about the absurdity of that statement, you’d realize liver failure/cirrhosis is one of the WORST ways to die. I’m not even sure if you genuinely believe that.

Parents car (trying to get used to the bus on my own)

I probably don’t. I just say that when I’m in a bad mood. I do crave alcohol, though. I’ve been to treatment for alcoholism several times. I’m not hurting enough from alcohol for treatment to have much of a chance to work. I might quit on my own in time.

I’m not sure of your age, but I THINK you once said you’re 50-something. I could be wrong. In any event, you might wanna change that before it really is too late. Your own time could end before you expect/want it to.

My SUV is the only vehicle I have right now. So it’s my main transportation. Walking would be my second. But Yosemite my great dane has a cut on the bottom of his foot. It is taking a long time to heal. Walking or hiking is not the same without him. He is also my swimming partner

Good to hear from you @Ridgerunner. How is Yosemite doing? I think I remember something about him having a health scare. Is he good to go now, minus the cut on the paw?

mine is walking i dont have a car. I am looking for a bicycle though

I mostly walk. Very occasionally I go on a train or take a taxi.

I have four dogs. Three of them are senior. Rainy is my German Shepherd. She has hip dysplasia. She is at the point where every day I look at her and think is this the day. I will have to say goodbye.
Hey-U is my shepherd mix. He has cancer. He has been getting treatment and is doing well with it.
Yosemite is doing good and the cut is healing. But it is swimming season and I want to go swimming with him.
My youngest and smallest is Pretty Girl. She was dumped because she was pregnant. No more babies for her now. I got that taking care of.

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