What is Your Heritage?

I. Am. Canadian.


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German, Dutch, Polish. The first relative came over from Holland back in 1648 when he was 14.

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My dad is half-Dutch, half-German and my mother is South African Afrikaans (which is mostly Dutch//German/French Hugenot descent) so I would say I am half Dutch, quarter and a bit German and less than a quarter French.

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I go back to the Mayflower on both sides of my family…freaking pilgrims man…big hats with belt buckles on them…my dad’s mother was so proud of this fact but I see it as being descended from a bunch of religious whackos who came here for their own religious freedom only to deny that same freedom to everyone else…




Dutch (with some Venezuelan blood)


Half Irish and Scotts-Irish, with 1/8 of German, French, English, Russian (technically Moldovan). Or so I have been told. I think Im from Zambodia.

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I’m Scotch Irish, German, and Chickasaw. I think the Scotch Irish is the dominant strain - Calvinist Presbyterian.

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@crimby What ! Another fellow Chickasaw! Hello!