What is your favourite number sequence?

And how far have you taken it;?;

Fibonacci Sequence!


double zero in roulette gets me the money


The Trump haircut part was hilarious.

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This post is derivative of my post on the number Pi…

Seriously I don’t deserve to be thinking about you. Wish you could see that.

Nuance, we’re all friend’s here, what’s you bio if that’s not too personal;?;

Dervishnis sounds like a Greek name of Ottoman origin, a bit like mine, but as I said, I don’t really know Greek (or Turkish for that matter) :frowning:

And Rex, are you from the States or Cuba or somewhere in between. It’s not really important, just trying to gauge the movements in the conversation. The internet is global after all.

I don’t know what to say… maybe ‘get your television fixed?’

I’m from California,

The US.

Nuance, you’re very much like my dad, except my father was a technician, and a watchman for the communist party, as opposed to a trader in stolen art lol (hope you can take a joke) I love you really :slight_smile:

I have always wanted to go to the States, but got scared after 9/11. I read a lot about Oakland when I was young, honourable self-defence really struck a chord. I’ve no idea what it’s like to live there now, they say they make good wine, that’s about all I know.

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For the record, my favourite sequence is Gamma.

That’s wordplay for the “Gamma Sequence”.

A book meant to scare. Nonetheless you win. Because I know there’s nothing scarier than stupid. And what I don’t know is if you’re a suicidal type of fear monger.

Well this may be a bit over the top, but the title caught my eye, here it is:

That was subtilely good to me. The summary that is.

Maybe we can both read that one.

My favorite is the fibonacci sequence because Tool did a song all based the sequence.

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Has no one ever compromised with you before?

Try this one on for size. (We are our memories maybe)… and I remember this passage very well. It helps that it’s a pivotal moment/twist even…