What is your favourite holiday in your country?

I would say Xmas is my favourite but second is this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guy_Fawkes_Night

We eat baked potatoes and lentil soup outside while lighting fires and setting off fireworks


Yeh, definitely Christmas. All the family together. The whole city goes kind of quiet. It’s atmospheric

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With me it’s either The 4th of July or Labor Day, USA.


Halloween for me. Nice cool weather, candy, and horror movies on tv all night. I love it. :blush:


Halloween and Day of the Dead, Samhain. I’m a Samhain, Day of the Dead baby.


Montmeister you gotta visit Scotland. In edinburgh the film house (an independent cinema) holds a horror weekend.

Friday night to Sunday morning horror movie marathons. Literally like 36 hours straight horror movies!

You are allowed to bring in sleep bags and blankets etc. Food and drink is all good too.

Man I know you would absolutely love it!

@anon4362788 I think you would love it too!


In Denmark, we have Morten’s evening. I like it for the absurdity. It’s a tradition to eat duck on that evening, and the story behind it goes like this:
Some guy named Morten or Martin was up to be bishoped or something, but didn’t want to. He hid in a duck pen, but as the guards went by, the ducks made a lot of noise and he was discovered.

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Oh brother! I would totally dig that. :slight_smile:

Here in the states a lot of the local TV channels show really classic horror movies at nighttime on Hallow’s Eve.

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Of course I love Christmas but I’m very fond of Easter too. I love making Easter baskets and surprising the kids Easter morning with the big lovely baskets full of toys and treats. And there’s just something about that time of year that makes me start to feel better.


Whichever one is my next day off. Unless it is being spent with in-laws.


I’ve never had a very good Christmas or any other holiday, but I always liked New Year’s Eve. Or Valentine’s day.

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Christmas all the way…Halloween next…I’m going as a conehead this year.

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Christmas. 1515

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Christmas. Tis’ the season. I guess the next is Halloween.

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Thanksgiving by a long shot.


I prefer Easter, christmas parties make me nervous.

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Same here. I think it’s funny how people try to pronounce it. Salmon? Sum-hang?


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