I like sleeping. It feels good, and it is a way of escape from my suffering.
When i forget i exist
Usual night time
I like the mornings I wake up, and don’t immediately acknowledge my voices. When I can start my day without them, even though they’re there.
I like the mornings after I’ve had my two cups of coffee.
I’m not a morning person, but I like that halfway stage between sleep and wakefulness when I can dream lucidly for a while.
When I wake up early and the weather is beautiful so I can sit outside.
On weekdays, my favorite part is around 9am, when I’m drinking coffee, I’m all showered and ready for the day, and I’m wondering what to do with my day.
On weekends, the whole day is my favorite. I live for weekends, especially in the summer. We could go for a bike ride, a hike, go to the Farmers’ Market, go to a festival, go to a restaurant, go to the aquarium, go to the zoo, just stay home and play video games… Lots of fun stuff to look forward to!!
Weekdays are usually boring. Hubby works full-time. I try to get some chores done. I gotta cook dinner. I look forward to hanging out with hubby in the evening (watching TV or going for a walk). I prefer the weekends.
I use to be the same way, when I was anxious and depressed sleep was an escape.
I’m no longer anxious and depressed but now I am an insomniac. Even with sleeping pills it’s sometimes hard to get to sleep, sometimes in the morning I am still tired. I guess my favourite time of the day is the afternoon/evening when I’ve had a coffee and a couple cups of tea and have some caffeine in me and feel awake and with it. I feel pretty good most days.
I like that time just before bed time. When I unwind
For me it’s night time. I enjoy going to the backyard, having some quiet time and looking at the stars. I do that almost daily for about 15 minutes. It’s calming.
I am a creature of the night. Mostly sleeps my day away.
Yeah sleeping is good.
Dreaming is a revelation for me.
Nights are the best time of day.
My favorite part of the day is whenever it’s quiet. Noise drives me nuts.
Late evening and night, also early mornings. Daytime is really hard to deal with.
When I wake up in the middle of the night after I get my headache to go away and I’m drinking coffee.
First thing in the morning when I’m enjoying my first cup of coffee.
My favourite times are the morning, and late evening when the Crickets come out. In the winter time, anytime the sun is out is my favourite time
G jake!
that is just like me.
evening afternoon i get depressed feelings and just want to sleep so im not feeling it.
if i cant sleep i take sleeping tablet.
i love sleeping.
my other favourite time of day is eating and drinking nice stuff.
oh and shopping.if i have money i love shopping cruelty free stuff like groceries etc