mine is 4WD owners…
people buy 4WDs’ but don’t go off road ?
even when i drive on one lane roads where i live…or gravel tracks they never move over… !?!
in australia nearly everyone has 4WDs’…especially city people…why ?
the only thing they ever go over is the kerb ?
take care
Its the same thing here in the U.S. too, darksith. A couple years ago SUV’s were the top selling cars. My friend in high school was 4-wheeling with another friend in a jeep and the jeep flipped over on a steep hill and my friend was thrown out and the jeep rolled over him and killed him.
sorry your friend died.
and the score is;
take care
It’s snowing in Australia?
it was this morning…the highway was closed.
and the smaller tracks/roads were not safe…black ice.
take care
I’m trying to think.its probably pseudoscience. And that’s coming from a schizophrenic. I just think its ripe for delusions.
And I have a kind of scientific background
My Bugbear…
People who tailgate me in the slow lane when the rest of the road is empty… they can go around.
People who throw trash on the ground in the parks… who are only two steps away from the garbage can.
The one that’s getting to me lately is how the words “gluten free” has been popping up on everything. Gluten free Salmon… Of course salmon is gluten free… fish don’t eat wheat. You never hear on the news… “This years wheat crop threatened by walking salmon.”
the other day I saw “Gluten free” on my soap. Why do we have to advertise the fact that there isn’t wheat in soap? Even if there was… I would never be eating my soap.
i hate it when people throw rubbish out of their car…into the pristine countryside !?!
or you go to the milk section and there are 50 types of milk…first world problem !?!
when i was a kid there was only one type…milk with a cemented layer of cream on top…!!
take care
the sound of eating
You know… I’ve never really paid attention to how many different types of milk there are…
It is a bit odd…
I blew coffee out of my nose! You owe me a clean keyboard, @SurprisedJ!
Some of the people at the assisted living center where I live are horrible about littering and leaving trash around. It is totally unreasonable to them to expect them to pick up after themselves. We have a chronic shortage of glasses because people take them outside and leave them there. Sometimes when we go to an immaculate park they think it is totally unreasonable to expect them to pick up the litter they throw down.
I cannot stand the phrase “It may or may not happen, etc.” I hate that. It’s a tautology - as if there was any other option of something happening. Either it does or doesn’t. Duh. I hate that saying.
I think its a phrase that symbolises uncertainty.