What is your biggest fear?

I think my current biggest fear is that I will never be able to lose significant weight or reverse my diabetes because my motivation is just not high enough. I will then just continue to deteriorate physically.

What’s the biggest fear you have in your life right now?


My biggest fear is death.


I’ve lost all the weight I gained except about 8lbs. My blood sugar A1C is now constantly at pre-diabetes levels but my diabetes hasn’t reversed itself fully. I don’t think it ever will, If I lose 8 more pounds I will be at my BMI weight but never say never

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My biggest fear is losing my disability pay before I retire five years from now.

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That life will be boring.

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My biggest fear is my consciousness being gone for eternity when I die.


i would be afraid to say it on here :slight_smile:

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That my sz meds stop working or that the pharmacy wont have them in stock.

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My biggest fears are complete aloneness and living on the street. Death is nothing compared to that.
(I do fear the moment of dying, hope it won’t physically hurt too much. But not death itself)


like killin my cousin and her baby with a knife accidently she’s sittin next to me at steak din-or punchin my mom in the face killin her when i get like a dangerous bs impulse feelin all the time with elderly women punch them in the face or never getting rid of the worst voices from hell

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Ouch, those are violent scenarios there firefall. I hope you have those possibilities in check

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much appreciated there mr. bowens. it’s not too bad i cross my arms or drop the knife it’s scary
scary scary
hope alls

hope your diabetes remains ok

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I mean reverse :weary:

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When my son was alive, I was absolutely petrified of dying and leaving him with no one to care for him. (He was p.sz).

Now, my worst fear is probably growing so old that my arthritis pain becomes unbearable.


My greatest fear right now is that I will slip into a delusional state such as Alzheimer’s. I watched my friend’s Father pass, and he could not recognize anyone in his family or friends at the end. He was afraid of everything. If it gets to that point, do me


Both of my grandparents on my fathers side also had Alzheimer’s. I am also quite afraid of that disease. Fortunately neither on my mom’s side had it so I have at least a 50/50 chance.


I too fear of getting dementia.
My Mom had it and died in 2019 from advanced dementia.
It’s an awful disease.


I guess I have to count my blessings. That is a bit worrisome, having it on one side of the family. Hopefully fate rules in your favour.

My dad died a little demented, but I think it was more from smacking his head than anyting. My mom went clear as a bell, fought till the end


I agree @Wave . Next to cancer, it is every bit as difficult to watch


Being buried alive.