What is you favorit thing in having schizophrenia

I am grateful to not have worse health problems.



That’s very positive!

I am proud to be a part of this community.
Other than that, there is nothing positive about it.


There is nothing positive about it…


My favorite thing is the worst thing about it. I never truly feel like I’m alone.

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After spending the last month in the hospital, with a week in the ICU after OD’ing on Seroquel, I have nothing positive to say about this illness. It takes and takes and takes without ever giving anything good back.

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You have to look at it positively. After a forest fire, fertile soil is created again. After a psychosis you can start building again and become who you want to be … argh positive thinking is not for me … it’s just not so easy … understand?


Well, I’ve had schizophrenia for 38 years. The only positive thing about it is that compared to schizophrenia, now going to the dentist is a piece of cake.

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My psychosis helped me save on of my children from being molested by a family member. I acted quick, psychotic, but quick.


My favorite thing about having sza is that I isolate myself a lot and I get to do everything by myself. All my little hobbies and interests I get to cultivate.


Getting out of jury duty forever.


My favorite part about it is that I have a name for what I am. Before finding out I had SZ I was a confused mess and very vulnerable. Now I know why and that makes me feel better.

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