What is true objectivity ? a short introduction

i post here because i have no other place to post my blog.
plus i really like to know what you guys think about it, i know some don’t read it and that’s ok but some find it interesting.

It’s not as much as trying to make it likeable to everyone but more of trying to share my thought with you guys.

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I post it on reddit . f it

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So anyway the main idea is in a paragraph that since we have a brain build the way it is it cannot see past it’s own perspective meaning that it cannot trully understand the universe it is part of since it only see what its capable of seeing.

The field of politics, where people start to state their “objective truths” is where there is the most opportunity for dissection and analysis. Not that this will lead them to a greater objective truth. Just more dissection and analysis. I tend to favor the “skeptic school of philosophy”, with their dictum, “Nothing is certain, not even that.”