What is the worst thing about having schizophrenia/

Hey guys as
above, for me it is the loneliness and isolation, thoughts?


Not being believed when you make a complaint - cos they think its in your head. Even tho most of us are properly medicated.

Currently got an arsehole neighbour.


The same old thread, again and again. :crazy_face:

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At this very moment it’s some degree of restlessness.


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The invasiveness and constant distraction

Having schizophrenia,


Invasive thoughts for me :pensive:

Chronic Avolition - having very little motivation in life for years on end.

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Having to deal with mental health workers.

If I had it my way they would have their heads on pikes outside the clinic

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For me the worst part is people not understanding negative and cognitive symptoms. They think I’m lazy and stupid because of them


Same for me too.

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Not really having it, but being diagnosed with it because no one believes you about what is happening to you

Brain not working properly.

My ACT team (including pdoc) completely f*cking useless

For me it is not being in complete control of myself. That’s bad for me.

The paranoia and I also get panic attacks. I also find it hard to concentrate which makes college really hard.

Being on all these shitty meds and because of them, sounding like royal crap on the piano. At least I think that’s the reason. It’s the explanation my piano teacher gives me. My friend tells me the same thing. But, I don’t know. It could be from my MCI. Mild cognitive impairment.

That there is no light in the end of the tunnel, it’s a lifelong illness. All your hopes and dreams , everything you cherish flies out the window. You can’t date without dropping the bomb, “btw I’m sick and disabled”. Being labeled as the one with shitty genes so you can’t have children. And there is the paradox. They haven’t found a single gene that causes this illness. Meds block dopamine but you still feel sick and have symptoms, not to mention doctors don’t know why they somewhat work. This illness is somewhat a mystery to the medical community, so there is no cure coming any time soon.


I love it when a topic gets repeated like a hundred times a year :joy:


Worst thing about my illness?

I’d say

It is the actual psychosis yea.

Well from past experience

I presume if I have psychosis again it better be rainbows and butterflies :joy:


Being completely unreachable to family members.

Best motivation to get well. I can’t even talk to my sz brother he is so out of it.

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