What is the purpose of seclusion;?;

Seclusion is a form of meditation, it is a discipline, the only purpose I can see is that of remembering that everything created is transient and can be taken away, that we can do with the bare minimum and still be happy, it is a chance to explore one’s thoughts and feelings without interruption. I am not worried by current events, instead I am thankful for them for pointing the way towards new experiences. I would like to try seclusion, for one day first at least. I want to try a day without my phone, without meeting people, without going out, and without the internet. I feel resistance to doing this immediately, though in truth I could do it tomorrow if I so had the inclination. I need to pick a date and stick to it. But I am fearful that I will fail. I will post again in this thread when I have picked a date. Thank you.

So I’m still not managing to achieve a single day of seclusion, every day I think of doing it, something comes up and I have to go out of the house, or spend money, or talk to someone or something. I really want to try going a whole day without any of these. In fact I’d like to try going a whole day without food as well. I think I need to plan it in advance, so I’m going to aim for the first Friday of every month. Thank you.

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