40-below all year round I guess
40-below all year round I guess
For Santa haha 15
The coldest strip club on earth.
Polar bear families hehehe
Nansen and Amundsen expeditions. First to reach and cross the northpole.
Not being a continent. Sort of like how Pluto is a not-really-though planet.
One of those huge barber pole candy canes.
Are you talking about the geographic north pole or the magnetic north pole.
Yeah, but it has the perkiest nipples.
Being north of the equator.
For not being on land. It’s in the arctic ocean.
I heard Mary Christmas (Santa’s wife) does north pole dancing.
Gross, she must be in her 80’s
Santa and cold weather
The North Pole is the northernmost point on Earth. It is the precise point of the intersection of the Earth’s axis and the Earth’s surface. From the North Pole , all directions are south .
frozen ice
Geographic North and magnetic north are not far from each other really. So probably pretty much the same. The geographic and magnetic only vary slightly really.
It’s famous for free colonoscopies. Get checked.