What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?

Me — I was at work one time and someone dumped a bunch of flower pedals all over my car :upside_down_face:


On my first job, some girl said she would loan me money. I didn’t need it in the end as I got an advance on my salary from the company for that month.


My family has done a million nice things for me, it’s hard to pick just one.

Here’s one: my parents visited me every day during my 8 month hospitalization. And lots of times brought me little treats like raisins or cookies.

Here’s another; I mentioned this in another thread. When both my sisters got Lasik surgery done they also chipped in and paid for me to get it done because I was broke.

One time when I was about 18 or 19 me and two friends each took a hit of acid and drove to Monterey Bay, about a seventy mile trip (hey, an unintentional pun!). But about halfway there my '64 station wagon overheated and steam and smoke was billowing out from under the hood.
I took the first exit off the highway and luckily there happen to be a gas station right there.

This was 1979, before cell phones. The unlucky thing was that there was a cop in his car there too. So we all got out to look at my car and we were all trying to act perfectly normal though we were all as high as kites. We stood there looking at my car. Then the gas station attendant walked over. He was an older guy but he was really friendly and he looked at my engine and he told us that my radiator hose had burst.

Like I said, no cell phones. And no money. So we were stranded 35 miles from home. We told him we had no money and he just went into his garage and came out with a brand new radiator hose and he took my old one off and put on the new one. What a lifesaver! We were still trying to hold it together and act normal. But we thanked the gas station attendant profusely and we went on our way.

Epilogue. We made it to Monterey Bay and spent ten minutes there and turned around and drove 70 miles back home at night.


I’ve got a few.

  1. My sister rented me my first apartment, and also found me a rooming house when they sold the house. She was the only one in the family that would help me out

  2. When I was really badly broken after the accident, my neuropsych would come to my house rather than making me come to her office. She knew how it made me feel, and so she always made allowances for me. I thought that was pretty amazing

  3. Top of the pile, my friend Darren asking me to be his only daughter’s Godfather. I have no doubt it saved my life, I was in such a dark place. It also inspired me to quit drinking. I have been sober for 15 years now, and I don’t think that would have happened otherwise


Outside of the countless things my mother and family have done for me, one time I was nearly broke and a lady bought my groceries for me at the grocery store.

That good deed practically restored my faith in humanity.


My family has done countless nice things for me my Dad gave me a car my Mom has given me a car and my Grandparents have given me a car


There have been times when I was out hitch hiking and someone came up and gave me $20, no questions asked. Every time it saved me a lot of misery. I’ve also had people give me 10’s and 5’s, and they also helped. The biggest thing was that it enabled me to buy coffee. When I am on the road I keep my moral up by drinking large amounts of coffee. I can go without food, but I can’t handle going without coffee.


One thing that really stands out is my mum redecorating my room at my place including painting and adding a lampshade and mirror
While I was in hospital
It was a surprise x


My little sister, aged 11, took the bus, the train, and the bus once again only to visit me 60 km away during my first hospitalization.


That’s really sweet.

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This is awesome!

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A private psychiatry helped me out big time. They could have easily send me to a public psychiatry but they helped me out for 6 months and my life changed to the better. I was so healthy that i had my ideal weight and since than nice things happened to me all the time, but for reasons i don’t need to say, my mental health declined over the years.

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2 nice things happened to me that changed my life.

My Mom helping me get the teachers assistant position decades ago.

My brother helping me with my disability case years ago.


i can think of a couple things, 1 is dad putting in a half court basketball court in the backyard so i could work on my game as a kid.

and when i was living out of my car in oregon, i had to replace my brake pads but i couldn’t figure out how to get them on. some older guy who was also living in his van came over and put them on for me. this was in a walmart parking lot, in grants pass, oregon.


the kindness of people at the park,
especially the kids who didn’t turn sour
over interacting with my son.


Not sure. Probably not giving up on me.


After I got out of my first hospitalization in another state, when I was at the peak of psychosis my mom drove down after I found a phone and called her and picked me up the next day.


My CPN (Community psychiatric nurse) of 4 years. Once it was my time to be discharged from his services. He had dropped a really thoughtful thankyou and well wish card through our letter box.

I can think of another but I’d like to treasure it privately from this forum.


My parents gave birth to me.


When I was in my active addiction to crack, I used to spend all my money on drugs. I had a roommate and one night I was going hungry because I spent my food money on crack. My roommate felt sorry for me and gave me his debit card and his PIN number and told me to go to his bank and withdraw $75.00 for food and come right back. I withdrew $250, met a hooker and her pimp/boyfriend and didn’t come home for three days.
It was nice of my roommate but he was so mad he was going to shoot me.

Wasn’t my fault; sheesh, who gives a crack addict their debit card?

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