What is the ideal daily calorie intake for us

Hi; i m just wonder what is ideal daily calorie intake for us? how much calorie consume is ideal

Every body is different so every body needs different calorie consumption. It’s not a schizophrenic thing I believe

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Same thing… Everyone is different.

Probably about the same as the average non-schizophrenic. I believe the recommended calorie intake for an adult is around 2000 calories a day.

But i heard that ap usage getting lower the metabolism so theorically we have to take much less than normal people right ?

Getting to the 2000 calorie mark is Healthy, usually.

I tend to try to go under 1500 calories, or I dont lose the weight.

Everyone is different, but I do know that keeping active is very important for good health/weight.

In my opinion you should try to never eat below your BMR. You can calculate your BMR here:


If weight loss doesn’t happen while consuming at your BMR, then it is best to turn to exercise to push forward, not restrict below your BMR.

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