What is the highlight of your day?

im not sure personally, I like a cup of coffee in the morning, but hate my day. things are usually pretty nice once it’s 8pm or later and I turn off all the devices and lights and lay in the dark while my mind wanders. haha. as weird as it sounds that is the highlight of my day.

how about you?


The highlight of my day up until about 2 weeks ago was after 8pm too.

Sometimes I even felt “normal”. But for some reason that’s changed recently and after 8pm has now turned into “worry time.”


oh no. we all need something each day to look forward to. hope you get your time back. anything in particular you’re worrying about? is it the coronavirus that has wrecked things?

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I like the exact same things. I like a cup of coffee in the morning and to think about things as I drift off to sleep. I like the solitude, the quiet and I like the way my mind is at those times when I’m less worried and just relaxing a bit.


Thanks lifer. I’m not sure what happened. But the whole coronavirus thing certainly hasn’t helped ! :smile:


haha cool @Leaf , we share something in common.

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The Coronavirus has me a bit buggered up too. I am so worried we already have it and it’s just festering.


I think it’s the evening time for me when I feel most “normal.” It’s so hard for me to get going in the morning and I’m never sure how I’m going to fill the day. When the evening comes, it feels like “success” and I can relax a bit now.

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Have you seen that PETA nonsense about how “Coronavirus” is just an anagram of “Carnivorous” and so we should all turn vegetarian ? :crazy_face:

Anyway, highlight of my day, highlight of my day… maybe when I finally get off work and looking forward to a nice dinner ? Or in the morning if I wake up well rested and enjoying my first cigarette ?
Yeah well I can’t complain, as long as I’m able to hold down a job and keep intrusive thoughts in check most of the time, I can go by even without feeling anything extraordinary on a daily basis…

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I love popping a few pills and have a coffee while watching movies

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The two highlights of my day are when I wake up in the morning and drink my coffee and eat my cereal, and the other is when I go to bed at night and settle in with a good book or magazine.


The highlight of my day is taking my meds. :koala::koala::koala:


The highlight of my day is when my meds kick in and I am good with being alone with myself.


The highlight of my day is my morning routine drinking some coffee and listening to music or watching tv.


I have a few highlights of my day that I can’t choose between because they are highlights in different ways.
I like having a coffee in the morn with hubby.
I appreciate the solitude and nothingness of my morning stretch until 130 which relieves me from the lack of motivation and not having to force actions and interactions.
I like if I can accomplish my mini goals after that, and when I get to scratch a ticket.
I like when my youngest comes home and I get to find out how his day was.

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The highlight of my day is in the morning when I take my first sip of tea.


Taking a dump in the morning is definitely the highlight of the day. It definitely makes me less full of crap.




I don’t like mornings, and i don’t like evenings, everything in between is all about the weather. Sunshine is good, cold , foggy and especially windy weather, bad.


Takeaway Sunday roast dinner!

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