What is the difference between...,

An account balance and an available balance?

On a bank balance receipt.

I tried to look it up but I don’t understand


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I think account balance is how much U have in your account and available balance is how much your allowed to take out. :thinking:


It’s weird cos my available balance is more than my current balance. Bit confused.

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Account balance is what you’ve got.

Available balance is what you can spend.

It’s different if you can go ‘in the red’.

Does that explain it to you clearly?

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OK it’s weird cos my available balance is 16. And my current balance is 7

So how can I spend 16 if there’s only 7 that I’ve got.

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You can go 9 in debt.

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It never usually allows that. Strange.

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account balance is the amount of money you have

available balance includes overdraft and deposit holds etc.

so if you had 500.00
deposited a cheque for 200.00
and 100.00 overdraft protection
your available funds are 600.00


With my bank account it’s the same. I can go 1240€ in the red. So my available balance is always 1240€ higher. But if you go below 0 you have to pay interest.


Yes overdraft is the term. We just call it ‘in the red’ in Dutch.


OK so the 12 difference is maybe because some1 has sent money to my account

possibly its hard to tell

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An available balance reduces your account balance by any pending transactions that haven’t been deducted yet. The account balance shows all completed transactions in the balance.

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Also increases the account balance by any deposits that are pending.

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Thanks guys.

It’s really confusing concepts for me

oh i should add if someone is trying to scam you and youre not giving backstory dont give anyone any money.

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Usually some amount needs to be deposited in your account every time, if you withdraw this than Bank charges some fees. This is a little fix amount. And that is added to your available balance. Total is account balance .

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