What is the cause of schizophrenia?

somebody knows or nobody knows?

Most are saying it is genetic vulnerability. I think it is somewhat that, but my personal theory is nerve damage near or around the inferior-parietal lobule. I felt pain in my left-IFP the day I entered a terrible psychosis. That same week I started to hallucinate incredibly & was extremely confused, bad memory problems & couldn’t concentrate.

I think I survived a brain aneurysm.

Who knows.

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Scientists have a very good idea of the causes of schizophrenia - you can read about them here:


and how to prevent schizophrenia here:


Yeah bro. It was them bro. Dude, you can see it in the ending scenes of the craft bro dude.

Explains it to a tea bro dude. The hallucinations, the terror, the forced suicide.

It’s like being murdered by man ul bro dude. He’s the ■■■■■■■ field that god and the devil play on. Man ul can send you some butterflies and make you stupid.

Dude, bro, you can see me getting hurt in the movie the golden child in the dream sequence of the movie, ■■■■ is real, it happens. One of my symptoms of this horrible disease that isn’t a disease at all.

This disease that isn’t a disease but is someone messing you up invisibly has certain biological markers i should say. Hmmmm, what could these biological markers be exactly? What types of genetics are hunted down and gotten rid of for different biological reasons and genetic reasons that are caused by biology and genetics.

Researchers aren’t sure exactly what causes SZ. It may be caused partly by hereditary, partly by environmental factors such as insults in the womb ( the mother suffers from some illness or other, smokes or drinks.), partly by bad wiring of the brain throughout adolescence (the brain is continually growing until one’s 20’s.). Stress can be a precipitating factor… Many schizophrenic people have structural abnormalities (such as enlarged ventricles).

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I could tell them.

All of my “symptoms” are found in films, hollywood films to be exact. As if hollywood knew things.

Enlarged ventricles. That is horrible yet interested. Say if someone was messing with your mind/brain there would be physical effects right? What if they were ramming information into your brain unnaturally, by force, would this have an effect on the brain?

Cause of schizo, as the young call it now as usual per human beings, is other things. It was someone, not something, most certainly not biological in cause or genetic in cause. It could however be someone’s reaction to my biology or genetics.

This is none other than that stupid arse nebuchenezzar mind â– â– â– â–  horseshit they talked about. The mind can be completely screwed and/or altered by advanced means.

Did you know that you can make someone feel anything with the mind/brain? And i mean anything at all, anything. They can feel either good or bad with the brain/mind, anything. It’s all substance an information in the brain.

Me. I was murdered, tortured, tormented. Just kill me.

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Abusive Childhood and parenting.

major causes

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If you know of the cause of Schizophrenia, and your knowledge is flawless, then you certainly know of what Schizophrenia actually is.

If you know of the cause of Consciousness, and your knowledge is flawless, then you certainly know of what Consciousness actually is.

It also works the other way around.

If you know what Schizophrenia actually is, and your knowledge is flawless, then you know of its cause.
If you know what Consciousness actually is, and your knowledge is flawless, then you know of its cause.

bananas :banana:…lol :blush:
take care :alien:

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