What is the biggest holiday in your country?

What is the biggest holiday in your country?

Brexit, unfortunately.

What does Brexit mean?

They celebrate that as a holiday now?

Not yet, but I wouldn’t put it past them.

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Christmas :christmas_tree:

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I figure Xmas is our biggest holiday in the USA. My dad has a friend from Wales that he goes to see every year who celebrates Boxing Day.


My wife said they celebrated A Festivus for the Rest Of Us at work.

Christmas, I love the Christmas lights during Xmas on people’s houses and trees in the UK they make me feel good. And looking into people’s homes and seeing their Xmas trees.

I think Christmas because the shops are decorated at end October already

Maybe easter too because easter eggs and hot cross buns available two months early

Really? I thought it was a day for stores to sell more and make money. Is it really a holiday?

Christmas here.

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Christmas here too.

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It’s a holiday the day after Xmas. I don’t know what it’s about. They celebrate it in the UK as far as I know @Joker or @Naarai might know. My dad has a friend from Wales. But he said he’s separated from his wife so he’s not doing Boxing Day this year.

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I’ll just add that in my county the big event is always the County Fair. Demolition derby. Farm animals. Awful 4-H burgers. And a rickety Ferris wheel.

We go every year but due to Covid it was cancelled.

Christmas, which annoys me. I refer to it as the Festival of Unabashed Consumerism, Festivus, or Holiday.

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Yep. It’s an official bank holiday the day after Christmas. It’s perfect when you have split families, as it’s basically Christmas day 2.0


You get more presents?

No presents. Pretty much left over Christmas dinner. Some people go shopping. We treat it as second Christmas, as there are ‘factions’ in my family that cannot be in the same room at the same time! :roll_eyes:

It’s kinda cool though. I thought they had Boxing Day as a holiday in Canada as well?

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