Nothing right now…lol lol lol, but I am being serious at the same time.
Hi @Jake . I’m just trying to decide what to do since the forum will be slowing down quite a bit soon. I will still keep an eye on the forum but I can do a couple activities while I watch it. Trying to decide between miniature painting and reading. I can only read so much at a time though.
Oooooo what minis do you paint? I used to be really into that
I just started but so far I have painted 4 D&D related miniatures. I’m thinking of ordering something a little bigger to paint though since most of these are really tiny and kind of strain my eyes to see.
Maybe a dragon or something might be something a little bigger on the same scale as the miniatures.
Cool!!! Pictures??
I feel a bit depressed today. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
I’m going to bed at a good time, but I’m waking up too early. Starting to Tire me out
Other than that, poetry and love
I think a big part of why i feel like ■■■■ lately is just knowing that im not normal. I felt a lot better when i thought that my brain was normal.
Pfffft. Normal is overrated! All the great, innovative, creative work in the world was done by people who weren’t “normal.” I find it insulting if someone calls me normal.
(I understand what you’re saying though – I’ve wished I weren’t SZA, too.)
I can’t believe my self healing powers got ignited. I have been for a dip in the ocean for the second day in the row. I slowly gaining trust in my voices and the universe again. I studied a little self-esteem, selfworth and resilience. The chat about love recently was helping to. I am getting confident. Can’t believe it’s happening in Halloween season.
That’s probably not a good idea.
I have to go to work in a couple hours. My boss said he would pay me the $60.00 dollars the company owes me today. I’m wondering if I will get it today or if there will be another delay…
I worked up the motivation to take pics of the other 2
The base on the dwarf needs a little gray touch up where I slopped I see. It’s much easier to see in the close ups of the photos. They are pretty tiny IRL.
@Bowens ahhhhhh they’re so good!! I love the owl troll!
Thanks @anon2818416 !
You were always on myyyyyy mind. You were always on my mind
Have you checked out Hero Forge?? You can order custom minis and then paint them yourself.
I’ve ordered 2 so far, one for Cyberpunk and my Gnome Warlock from Dungeons and Dragons!!
Thanks for the link @anon2818416 ! I will check it out.