What is England known for…?
Tea, that actually came from India
the English language
William Shakespeare, Winston Churchill, and bad cuisine.
British teeth…
the british empire
Monty Python’s Flying Circus
Music. Shakespeare. Excellent actors.
Rain. Roses. The royal family.
Oliver Cromwell. Overreaching police forces. Imperialism.
I only read recently that a lot of folk in North America think the British have bad teeth. TBH they are right.
I remember seeing Sense and Sensibility in the theater, and at one point the camera closed in on romantic lead Alan Rickman’s mouth. Those teeth, twenty feet high and fifty feet wide
Abusive imperialism
English Language
Shakespeare and other Literary geniuses
Grit and Determination of English people
Scientists and Inventors
Building Empires
David Beckham…
Spice Girls
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