In America a criminal history can follow you for the rest of your life. For example: I have a drunk driving conviction that will be on my record for the rest of my life. It is impossible to remove it from my record according to an attorney I talked to. Even 17 years later.
I’ve heard other countries are a little different. Will criminal history follow you around for life in your country?
Oh yeah… during my psychosis episodes I’ve pretty messed sh*t up. I have felony charges on my records. I’m American…
I live in Japan now, but planning to go back.
I’m not a fugitive or anything, but I wanna get my act together and give back to the society. Live a valuable and happy life. Even with my messed up life.
I got done for DUI. was banned from the road for a year. The endorsement remained on my license for two years and it was removed, like it never happened!
Things are a little more lenient here in Canada. I think my buddy was able to get his DUI removed from his license after a certain amount of time. You do go to prison now though
As far as I’m aware, there is no death penalty. The system is too lenient in some ways
Here in the America we use selectively racist laws that could only be used to target minorities and the under privledged
I grew up in a nice town with good family, money, etc.
Was arrested for .1 grams of shake weed at the bottom of the bag at 18 years old. Got my name In the newspaper. Got apart of the system. Got arrested 2 more times and mental hospitals ten times as a result most likely. Almost became a statistic myself.
So it’s not like wealthier people are exempt from getting arrested thru injustice
There’s injustices all over but it’s much more common for them to target minority’s
I can pull out some gnarly statistics
Like this is more an anecdote but
in 1978 into the 80s how more white people smoked crack than black people. But white people were more “associated” with cocaine powder while blacks were associated with the baking powder form. So they made the punishment for crack 20x more even tho it’s the same exact DRUG. But despite the fact that more white people smoked crack than black Americans . Crack arrests were almost exclusively in the black community. Ridiculous. I’m not justifying crack or cocaine but cmon it’s just ridiculousness.
Oddly I was never caught eventhough I drove many times drunk and high. But I knew when to not drive if I am too drunk or high, I let my friends drive my car or I leave my car in the parking lot and my friends drive me home in their car. Sometimes I called my brothers to pick me up.
But once I didnt even drink or get high and cops arrested me as they were sure that I was under the influence of drugs. I was unmedicated and psychotic, tried to kill myself by driving at 180-200kmh in a snowstorm and had an accident.
When we went to the US they asked us tons of questions and inspected the car I think because we were Syrian. They asked us why did we leave Syria to go live in Canada, why are we visiting the US, when was the last time we visited Syria, do we have family in Syria, do we have family in the US etc The questions never ended and they inspected the car, they also used dogs.
Oh, I’m white as rice and I get that treatment every time I cross the border. Once they even partially disassembled the dashboard and left it that way. Apparently it’s your responsibility to put it back together. The car wasn’t driveable after until we found a way to hand turn screws in.
In the UK you have the rehabilitation of offenders act, where your convictions become spent
This means in theory that after 7 years, your record is clean
However, like with all these things, there is a catch
If you apply for anything (literally) that this would even be looked at, all of a sudden your whole record is open to the employer or whoever to see
I got my DBS check done, and it was 10 pages long. Even stupid stuff I did when I was really young was on there.
The problem is some of these crimes sound awful, but the description of the conviction does not give any context whatsoever
It’s really disheartening this is the case, as it will forever impede my ability to do certain things, despite me being a reasonable and compliant citizen for years now
This factored into my decision not to pursue a degree in Mental Health Nursing, as I was advised that every time I ever made a change, I’d have to go through the whole process of disclosure each time, and then it’s purely up to the person making a hire decision