What is autism?

So what, I’m totally insane and nobody can tell and I go where I want.

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world autism day 2nd april

Please check dm

Some of the psych docs call Autism ‘kid schizo’…Is kind of like catatonic…

Autism is a developmental disorder but people who have it can overcome some of the language delays and social deficits as they age. They develop coping strategies where they can appear normal even though they aren’t, much like sz.

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Have a friend on skype who has Autism, you can hardly tell, but I had to work hard at understanding her at the beginning.

I’ve been working with autistic students for years, too. It is a broad spectrum. All of the kids I worked with were too severe to even live at home. They had to live at school and receive therapy around the clock. None of them could speak, and we were working with them on picture exchange communication. Some understood it and some didn’t. Can you imagine not even being able to ask for a snack when you’re hungry? They also frequently have sensory integration problems, which means their senses work in overdrive. A slightly bright light would be blinding to them. A bad small could make them just throw up.

Then again, there are people who just have poor social functioning, and have difficulty connecting with others. For people on the milid end, they can slowly learn social rules just like you would learn a foreign language. It doesn’t come naturally to them, and they have to work to maintain it, but they can do it when they need to.



Right when I was half way through reading it :sob:

Loool well sorry. I came across this guy on a dating site. It came up about my ex and I said he might have had issues. And then he asked how I feel about people with mi. I said I have mi. So he said he was on the news because he was sticking up for people like us. I read about him he’s autistic. Didn’t tell me this. I’m amazed. I was speaking on Skype he seemed so sweet.


Nice you had a skype conversation, Makes the person seem more real

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These can not replace an official diagnosis but give an idea of whether someone may be on the spectrum and should explore further.



I thought schizophrenia came in mild, moderate, and severe. I have no mild case of schizophrenia, but I get such excellent help that it is as if I had a mild case.
