What is an internal voice?

My therapist seems to think some of my thoughts are “internal voices” can someone explain what an internal voice is and what it would be like if that is what I’m experiencing?

I dont know the meaning of the exact phrase, but i have to kinds of thoughts, the normal “stream” and then, suddenly, my thoughts are “loud” and a bit intrusive, like the loud thoughts are talking to my normal thoughts (the stream)

My main problem with calling it a voice is that I don’t hear it, its like the internal monologue.

some psychiatrists say the difference between “voices” and “loud intrusive thoughts” are blurred, but in your case it might be just the typical dialogue everyone is having with your self?

I dont care about talking in a dialogue with my own thoughts, as long as they are not painful or intrusive


My voices are internal. The difference between these voices and my thoughts is that the voices are not my own thoughts - they are not my own but Alien’s

How is Alien going to come to earth if he is in a spaceship?? :hugs:

So my name is Martin im from France…Thats it…
I like to go out to bars like this…


When it’s not under your control.
When it seems like it’s an independent entity


So what’s the difference between an internal voice and thought insertion?

A voice has unique tone, personality, age, content of the speaking words

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The difference is whether you think the thoughts are coming from you or from someone else. But it’s quite a blurry line with a lot of overlap.

Thought insertion has no audible tone nor personality. It’s just a neutral thought

I think if you have experienced voices and also thought insertion you’d be able to tell the difference. Internal voices that are hallucinations sound JUST like voices it could be as if someone is talking right to your ear. Thought insertions kind of sound like thoughts well basically not exactly like voices but more ‘quiet’

I have both, so I can tell the difference very easily.

My voices are me from the past & me from the future. Time is not linear.

I don’t understand when people say they hear voices that are more like thoughts. My voices were like a real person

I think I have intrusive thought and have had thought insertion in the past. I think my therapist is wrong about the voices.

Your internal voice could be ‘subvocalization’ that everybody has.

No thats probably true, but have you considered writing the down one BY one?

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