The most positive thing that happened to me in a week, is when I went to drum lessons…last Friday.
Got up early and got my grocery shopping out of the way. And then cooked a dish from a recipe I downloaded. I also had small victories over my neighbors.
Learnt some things about my condition im learning to face the pain and get things done.
Ate out mexican food
This week good things happened.
I got a tattoo of my horse on my arm yesterday.
My former stepmother called and I appreciate her phone calls.
I managed to do pump.
I gave my sacred neigh a carrot and filmed her.
I slept without sleeping tablets.
I got cruelty free food delivered.
Got one step closer to freedom. Through awareness.mindfulness
I have continued to read for the past one month , although the same book … but I find it hard to concentrate usually enough to finish a book… Still more than 1000 pages to go though …
I went dancing again! And i went with my son to the movie The secret garden.
Good for you. Keep it up and you will find it is so rewarding to read a good book.
Daughter turned 28. I cooked cleaned baked and invited 10 people into my apartment. That’s ten people more than I’m use to!
My son decided to stay here one more week before moving out on his own so I get to have a few more long conversations.
I also had an extremely bad headache for 3 days and finally it went away and now I feel better.
I leased my very first apartment with my boyfriend!! We move in next weekend!
I posted an interesting photo of me on Facebook. Now ppl can see what I look like a bit more. Nothing to hide. Except secrets
Ooh that’s exciting good luck!
My kiddo didn’t cry for the first time when I dropped him off at nursery!
I walked to flea market on Sunday and bought three books at bargain prices
I thought i couldn’t handle my parttime job and had to apply for disability, but i managed my job without too much stress
They have given the store I work at more opening hours after corona is subsiding, so I’m back working again part time. Also I got a bundle of movies I ordered so now I probably have entertainment for a long time.
I was able to sign up for a hugee box of groceries for $10. I signed up through a community start up in my city that helps the needy. I’ll get my groceries in about a week though, but I’m super grateful.
iam still looking for one…good thing.