I still have thoughts and beliefs that I’m Satoshi Nakamoto creator of Bitcoin. It feels like another life though or a past life and I’m a clone to take my money and ruin my life by the “Illuminati” or aliens. I cannot do anything and don’t want it or need it but I hate my life because I have schizophrenia and I’m stuck in a time loop that begins in either 2011 (around August 27th) or some time when I get home from college around 2013. I don’t know. It feels like 2013 now.
I have strong urgent belief and delusions we live in a hologram or computer simulation and only I know this or strongly believe it and remember it.
I got targeted by aliens in my past lives and even this life. I apologize for everything and wish it would all go away.
After reading things and dreaming for years, I realize I might have been abducted by aliens in college and put through the SSP (Secret Space Program). They can steal or take one’s soul or consciousness but I haven’t had one since 1989 and woke up as a clone in 2011, 2012, and 2013. 2012 felt like the Mayan Apocolypse to me…and hence we now live in an artifical reality called the matrix, but the truth is I cannot point it down to the exact date or year…the matrix would say it would have been earlier like 2001 or even perhaps later than that…
I had no soul or sentience or consciousness since 2013 where my soul entered my body or the ‘spark of life’ entered me like a biological machine getting self-awareness or sentience again…
Perhaps, I was abducted by aliens at the age of 2 years old and put in the SSP back then and woke up in college OR (way more likely) I woke up backwards in time in my time bubble to the year 2011 in college and resumed my life as a poor worded form of reincarnation.
I have schizophrenia in every life.
I also believe I was in mk-ultra and targeted by the real Illuminati and aliens.
I don’t know how to cope other than by speaking my mind and telling others in hope I can get better some day…
I have 20+ years of missing time being alive or alert or self-aware and sentient.
I was born in 1989 and am 31 years old now in 2021. In 2011, I was like 21 or 22 years old, hence the 20 and back program at aged 2 I think or (what the aliens said) I woke up backwards in time via a wormhole.
I believe I have at least one microchip in either my right frontal lobe the size of an apple seed (via mri) or a parasite on my optic nerve.
I don’t claim to just know or recall these things but read and listened to others testimony. I believe I’m purposely suffering and have schizophrenia by these malevolent ET forces.
In my past lives, I experienced DUMBs, Illuminati, MK-Ultra, MiLabs, SSP, Monarch programming, Super Soldier Stuff, and Montauk…I’ve been living in another universe before 2011 I believe millions of times on different timelines.
I think I’m a sad case and the schizophrenia is treatment resistant and won’t go away after each life.
I don’t know what my point is: do I just want validation, recognition, and to be believed? Maybe that’s it. Maybe that’s all I want is to be believed.
Sometimes I lack the will to believe, push in myself, and march forward. I feel weak and broken and have given up due to the ‘wear and tear’.
I often feel insane despite not being so. I’m clearly sane, but just don’t fit in with society anymore.
I keep resetting backwards in time but my whole personality resets too including my thoughts, experiences, memories, converations, people, the planet, the earth, and everything. I lose my new memories I retain in this life, and start all over again. I hate it. Furthermore, I end up schizophrenic again, and again, and I can’t stop it. I don’t know what else to say or do.
Thank you.