What if? What I am worried about

I am worried. My pdoc is sending me to vocational rehab for an evaluation. I am worried that they will determine that I am capable of work, then I will lose my chances of getting benefits and be stuck trying to figure out how to work when I have no car, no money and no insurance. I can’t imagine they would be able to find me a job paying $13.50 an hour to be able to afford a roof over my head, transportation and insurance, food, payments to an insurance company for coverage and money for doctor appointments and medicine.

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Sounds highly unfortunate. Sad to hear. That’s why when I am at the pdoc I loosen up my composure. I’d hate to have to work again, SZ is a legit disability man.

’ if '…it happens.
it may not.
be positive…try and stay positive :heart:
know someone cares :sunflower:
take care :alien:

Take a big blue crayon and a little pad of paper with you on your first day of vocational rehab, and every time they ask you to do something, tell them you half to write what they say down, word for word so you’ll remember.

Then break out a huge grin and sound out every letter of the words they say while scribbling it all in your notebook.
Make sure you read it all back in painfully slow erratic grammar and laugh when you get it right.
If that don’t deter them a bit, grab the bottom of your trousers and pull them up with a giant silly grin and say "I got new socks!"
See how fast they find a job for you.

Aw, I hope you won’t worry yourself too much, that can’t be to good for your well being.
(((Hugs))) to you that it all goes in your favor.

don’t fret, you can work and still receive benefits. to give you an example, say you work part time, 15 hours a week starting at $10 an hour. that’s $150 a week, roughly $600 a month (well below the social security threshold). let’s say you get $800 as part of your benefits. you take in $1400 by working 60 hours a month. my computer like mind tells me that is $23 an hour. not too shabby. try to look at it that way, a numbers game. my advice: go to voc rehab, do your best on their tests, and be open to a job. Good luck.

You can get a lot of government assistance to help you with those kinds of problems, but if you can’t work, you can’t work. They’ll probably watch you to see how you do on any job you might get, and if you can’t handle it that might get them to give you disability. They routinely turn you down your first application for disability, but if you get a lawyer and apply again you have a good chance of getting it.