I was reading an article about this supposed new drug that restores neural connections (SPG302).
I had read in another article about 3 years ago that talked about research in the central nervous system, in the field of medicine, being accelerated beyond expectations.
Personally, I believe that the cause of schizophrenia will be discovered after the cure, and not the other way around.
I think that in the not-so-distant future, perhaps 25 years at worst, we will have a possible cure for schizophrenia. I can’t believe that scientists can already create pills that regenerate neurons. I am pleasantly surprised.
The way I look at it is,“What if we are far?” I hate to be pessimistic but look at something like Parkinson’s where Michael J. Fox raised millions and millions of dollars to research a cure or preventive measures and they have made little progress. It’s all a crap shoot. I guess it depends on how you look at it.
I think things are about to start moving FAST everywhere. Tech, medicine, all the sciences. The rate of R&D might look similar to what it does now for maybe 5 more years. Then voom.
I love the enthusiasm here. My mum once said to me that maybe they will find a cure for schizophrenia. She only said it a few years ago, and it was in regards to me wanting a different medication than the one I’m on. And to me that thought was like winning a lottery amount that doesn’t exist. Like finding a new drug at this point would be like winning the lottery and finding a cure would be like winning a lottery that is 1 trillion dollars.
But enough of me going on lol.
I found this article not that long ago and I found it really interesting. Why don’t animals get schizophrenia? It’s something that I never realised but I think that this information is pretty important to the situation. Why Don’t Animals Get Schizophrenia (and How Come We Do)? | Scientific American
I agree. That’s how they came up with the first generation of ap’s. They invent drugs for something else and they realize it can work for sz later on down the road. I am pretty sure that’s how they latched on to the dopamine theory. It is fascinating to me that they are trying other pathways in the brain now to try to offset the problem of blocking dopamine.