I think people speak intuitively mostly. Words are just a useful system of communicating with and aiding that.
I guess it’s true what they say communication is 90% non verbal. Symbols etc I think are aids to communication not basis of it itself which is overall experience of another person.
I guess what I’m saying is the visual representation is only a part which actually is primarily used for distance communication (I.e letters and books).
Then there is verbal which greatly helps the overall communication but it is not the totality.
With The Alphabet On One Side, And Shapes On The Other Side Of The Metaphorical Scale.
One Could Say, Erasing The Alphabet Is A Lost Cause. And Entirely Impossible.
Like Trying To Erase A Brick With A Pencil.
Which Holds Some Truth. Although,
Audrey Hepburn Says, 'Nothing Is Impossible, The Word Itself Says ‘I’m Possible’!.
Perhaps In A More Symbolic Sense. See The Alphabet In A New Lens Of Clarity.
Instead Of Perceiving Letters In It’s Traditional Structure. In Binding Them To Create Sound.
In Which The End Result Rests In The Sea Of Words. Thoughts. Ideas. And Communication.
Become Aware Of It’s Truth In Isolated Form. Each Letter Representing Depth And Meaning In And Of Itself. Like A Painting On A Wall. The Wall, The Page Or Screen. The Letter, The Art.
Like A Poem In Lines, Angles, Edges, And Curves.
In A Closer Step Towards Opening New Hidden Doors In Our Mind’s.