Spy on you all. 151515151515
Always a good move.
censorship here is worse than in soviet russia. makes me want tot rent a server and start my own forum…
It can be fundamentalist here.
things going orwell never end well.
It would drive me crazy to view topics on this forum and not be able to post.
I was wondering who was peeking in my window.
@anon4362788 rules!
I think that all of the mods here are great!
Kudos to @anon4362788 @Ninjastar @Moonbeam @rogueone @Bowens @Jayster!
Unless you mess with them
Ha so true 15
I never mess with them though.
I did and had to be suspended several times, until I realized that you cant be part and problem here…
I will enjoy my new freedom. Move on to somewhere else.
Never been banned.
When I first started the forum I did a really good job of pissen some members off though but I learned…and got treatment.
I use to love Spy Vs.Spy in MAD magazine when I was a kid, then they introduced Spy vs. Spy vs. Spy.
I also had the Spy vs.Spy video game on the Commodore 64.
I used to read that as well. Also “Cracked” magazine.
When I’m banned I do a silly dance, while not wearing pants.
Yeah, I read cracked too, but not as much.
As a kid I read MAD magazine and listened to Weird Al Yankovic. Those were some of my favourite forms of entertainment. I found both of them hilarious, probably warped my mind a little bit, lol
I don’t want to derail this thread too much more but I just wanted to say, that when I was doing security work part time, I did security for a Weird Al Yankovic concert so I got to see him close up.