What I am not

I am not a whore, a bigot, immoral, or a pervert. I am a good person, kind, caring, intelligent, brave.


I just have people calling me this sometimes, I have problems with celebrites and regular people listening to intrusive thoughts that are not necessarily mine. I feel like they want to kill me because of them.

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Everybody around you knows that. You just have to believe it yourself.


Thanks @77nick77 , sometimes I feel like I have to go to the hospital because of this, but I probably won’t have a good experience.

Well, I would like to tell you hospitals are not that bad but I can’t because I always hate them. But they are there for a reason.


I went / am going through this. One piece of advice a nurse gave me was whilst all this is happening, remember who you are. You know who you are, and what other people think doesn’t matter.

Hospital isn’t so bad if you are struggling a lot.

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