What healthy choices have you made lately?

The thread for sharing when you were tempted by an unhealthy choice, but made a healthy one instead. Tell us about your wins.


I was thinking of making a packet of instant noodles as a snack and then I remembered there is fresh fruit that needs using up. I’m enjoying some strawberries and a nectarine instead, and now I won’t spend half the night fighting bad heartburn.



Chose water instead of cig.


I got nothing for you. I had a piece of chocolate cake despite being diabetic today so I’m on the path of the dark side today. I suck as a diabetic.


My excuse though is that it was “World Chocolate Day” though.


Eating a piece versus a whole cake is still #winning



this reminds me of Healthy Choices soup.

it’s not so sad bad, and just enough food for me,
plus I love it with Club crackers.

I knew a guy who said his grandmother said,
the hotter the day, the hotter the soup.
it’s not just for winter, you know.

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I’ve been eating more fruit and vegetables


Walking at the park for half an hour everyday.

I need to make better food choices too…


I have been replacing breakfast with a 180 calories protein bar for the last 10 months, I think my weight gain stopped and lost a bit of weight.


I love the soft, gooey kind.

used eat one before a race.


Not having any energy drinks now, i am very tempted to have one but im trying to drink less caffeine i feel better with less caffeine.


I recently started drinking a lot of white tea. Apparently it is very healthy.

Well I am making my 8 millionth attempt to cook more and cut out processed foods from my diet. I just ordered groceries. However what tends to happen is when it comes time to cook I am either too tired to do it or too hungry or both and I opt for fast food instead. And all the fresh lovely groceries I buy rot in my fridge effectively wasting probably over 100 bucks each time I buy them. I don’t know how to get over the initial hump of getting myself into the habit of cooking is the problem.

I have given up caffiene cut down on sugar and quit smoking they are all bad for symptoms they make things much worse so feel a lot better with out them

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I ate a bowl of red, seedless grapes for lunch and had a cup of vanilla, Greek yogurt for dinner. I know its not much but I can’t cook because my power is out.

I’m cutting back on diet soda in favor of primarily hydrating with water.

I’ve recently switched from mindfulness meditation to a daily Bible reading podcast.

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I just to take an ambien last night instead of ranting on twitter…haha. It worked I woke up in a great mood.

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