I stopped smoking tobacco, which is a good thing I think.
I realized I can handle a lot more than I thought
I realised that I can build on things I’m able to do
I’m stepping up a bit on practising my religion and reading spiritual books. My husband is very happy!
I think it is good to focus on good things that happen in one’s life in order to avoid some symptoms and depression.
I have successfully switched meds without having a relapse. Almost done and I’m sleeping way better than before.
Last night, I showed my 5 year old nephew secrets in the backyard of the house I grew up in (my mom’s, his grandma’s) that I loved as a child, and then I painted my 3 year old niece’s finger and toenails.
The simple things… It’s been raining all night… and I woke up to a rejuvenated garden…
Very relieved and happy about that.
Also… the people I care most about are safe and healthy.
I found some really good sales…
Garage sales???
To the OP…quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do in life. I smoked while I had asthma. Fortunately, it didn’t do any permanent damage to my lungs, but my air intake felt so much better. Enough preaching.
Recently, I have stabilized on Haldol…going on 3 months now; the longest time I’ve been stable in quite some time. Feels good.
Realized I need to think about e stuff I learned before I learn new things
I lost over 40 lbs over the course of a year or so - still losing
I made it pretty far with school- this year is looking easier than last year by far.
My GPA and GRE are solid and my research experience is really coming to fruition. I’ve written personal statements for graduate programs in psychology and one in rehab counseling. I’ve found the perfect program and prof at IIT- I feel pretty confident that I will get accepted there.
I mean I am doing pretty well, to be objective. Yesterday was my day off, I enjoyed a great workout and spent some time with my dad. Today is reading and homework, but I don’t see it as work, more like an opportunity to do well for myself like I have been ever since I began recovery.
I don’t always feel the best, my case is chronic after all and I have nightmares along with trouble sleeping, but the good outweighs the bad for me.
Lately I’ve been realizing how different I am from how I was in the past few years- I’ve grown up.
I am doing exactly what my best possible prognosis was upon my diagnosis, and that is really all I can demand from myself. Spontaneous remission was not in the cards. I’m learning to accept and not be as frustrated with myself, albeit slowly…I’ve done what I wanted to do as a freshman- I’ve learned about everything that is wrong with me in diagnostic terms. Now I want to actually become a shrink.
I recently quit lifting weights, it was excessive and hazardous. I have regressed back to calisthenics and 3 mile runs. I had been lifting heavy for quite some time at a pretty high level, the usual meathead crap; no cardio, dangerously heavy weights, unhealthy diet, but damn I was big.
It’s not natural to be that big. Everyone that big is on a ■■■■ ton of sketchy supplements. I mean whey protein and sports drinks (Gatorade, carb powders, ect) are okay in moderation, but stimulant drinks full of chemicals that I can’t pronounce? Eating anything with protein in it?
nothing, really. i still have none of my wishes come true and everything social and financial is out of my grips.
Mouse, you are a hero.
That’s too flattering…thank you.
But aren’t we all heroes? We all apparently are facing a heroic struggle and have good progress to report, despite our challenges and setbacks.
Just because my best effort is on par with healthy people doesn’t mean that it’s normal for one of us. Elyn Saks said it the best in her book–she said to find the right life. The right life is unique for everyone, normal, scz, bipolar or from another planet.
Lots of small things , I’m hoping for something good soon
I got a job, my trial work period ends next month. i’m going to miss the man’s monthly check, but it is okay, I make enough.
Food. Food is good. I have excellent taste buds and enjoy a lot more than the average person, which is probably why I don’t overeat very often… if at all.