What does keep you going everyday?

Just struggling to find reasons myself at moment just needed to hear it for people going through it also.


there’s this one dude I know:

dumb butt doesn’t even know the difference between 5 and 6.

I forgot the last time I bought a pizza from Pizza Place…


I guess what keeps me going, striving, surviving is that it’s the only way I know. I just get up every morning, and I do what I have to do. Sometimes it feels like all I’m doing is surviving, like all I do is eke my way through life, but I do it anyway. It’s kind of depressing when I look at it that way, but all I can ever do is my best. As long as I’m doing that I’m okay with it. I suppose there are little things that make it all worth it, though.


I don’t know. I just do what I’ve been doing for 36 with paranoid schizophrenia. I know what needs to be done, and I do it to the best of my ability most of the time. I am blessed with being able to work. So I set my alarm the night before and get up in the morning, get dressed and go outside to fight the traffic to get to work.

My motto is the NIKE shoes motto: “Just do it”.

I’m here and I exist and I know what makes me happy and content and I know what makes me sad and miserable. So I try to do what makes me happy and comfortable and avoid things that disturb my serenity. As much as people infuriate me, I know being around them is good. I know walks are good. So I take walks and converse with my neighbors.

I will just keep doing what I’m doing until I can’t anymore. Sorry, no great insights here. I’m just an average Joe with motivation, resilience, and perseverance.

I guess a great motivator is the thought : “What will happen if I don’t do what I am supposed to do”? If I don’t go to work I won’t have extra money. If I don’t take care of my health then I know where that will get me. If I don’t keep my room clean and neat then it will cause problems. If I don’t pay bills on time it usually costs me extra money later on.

I guess also a great motivator is that if my sisters, who are helping me, see that I’m not trying it could cause both me and them problems. They have supported and helped for the 36 years I’ve had schizophrenia. They have stuck by me through all my hospitalizations, through my four year addiction, through good times and bad. But we are all older now and they are only human and if I do stupid or irresponsible or dangerous things then I could lose there support no matter how much they like me or how much they love me. I cannot drag them down.

But this is not even close to happening. But it is still a great motivator. Another great motivator is that I do not want to lose what I have. I am living in a clean, relatively safe house, I have a car, and I’m going to school. I do not want to lose these things or screw them up by being lazy or complacent or making bad choices or always taking the easy path. I am stupendously lucky in my life and I know it so I want to keep it going and have a little fun and pleasure while I’m at it.

I want to be a good person. It is very important to me. I want people to smile when I walk into a room. I don’t want to walk into rooms and have people get a look on their face that says, “Oh crap, it’s this jerk again”.


Learning something new helps me. I’m a curious individual


Nick, you look cool in this video.

just kidding. I know you’re older than that guy. you still look cool though.

by the way, I have no clue what the body language is suppose to mean, in that video… :disappointed_relieved:


When I am recovering from an episode I find especially at that time I need a project of some type. Some people do art or crafts I like wood working , tile work,or automotive work. Some people like gardening or cooking. Music everyone can find something, organizing or anything that keeps your mind occupied and gives you a feeling of accomplishment. Family motivates me when I’m feeling low, but unfortunately that’s not an option for everyone. Wishing you well in finding a passion, even norms struggle with this.

I’ve never liked that guy.

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What keeps me going is my kids! That is the core. I enjoy them immensely. In addition to that, I think it is an innate survival instinct that most of us have. I try to be optimistic and forward thinking. I have my down times, for sure. I am completely broke, restarting my life and going back to school at 47. I do think “I should be wealthy and accomplished by now” but…that’s OK. I look forward to 51 when I will have my degree. I like to always have a goal. A Degree, a vacation, a finish line, a grade, a thing I want to get. Short term and long term goals. It keeps me going.


A tiny bit of hope that I will be happy one day and also the realization that it can not get better than this. This is it.
If I am a little happy, and have everything I need. This is what life is.


Don’t be surprised if you do get better. It’s happened to me several times when I thought I was at my best.


I believe that there’s buried treasure inside of me (and everyone), so everyday is another opportunity to find the treasure.


My son.
And because suicide sounds awful…and food is so sweet…and nature can be beautiful.


A lot of days it seems like I just am. However I do have a mid term goal of finding a job. I have a long term goal of marriage. And a super long term/fantasy goal of doing something legendary before I die. So I work toward those. And if I need more motivation my family is always there and I love them so they keep me going too.


No reason to really, just do. Sadly I don’t go on planning a long future.


God keeps me going. I know everything happens for a reason.


My love for my husband keeps me going. And a good book to read.


I’ve no idea what keeps me going. A good will to survive probably.


ha. that reminds me of “the Pirates of the Caribbean.”

I can’t even spell “Caribbean” right sometimes. it’s a freaking shame. my gosh darn parents are Caribbean. my gosh.


For me? It is a nice happy hike in the woods or an urban trek. Though I’m alone I’m never lonely. Very weird but the truth of the matter is that if I can go on a hike in summer or winter or every season in between I’m a happy camper. I’ve tried to look for my passion in books, movies, video games, and even in people, yet, somehow, the ability to walk in nature and to think and feel free is all I really need.