I don’t really understand it.
Like if you want a better social life you should just go out more and pretend you like it then one day magically you might actually like it.
No I don’t agree with it.
The term ‘fake it till you make it’ simply means to be confident and sure of yourself.
Walk into the joint like you own the place…even though you have no idea what you are doing.
It worked for me. I was very socially anxious, and then one day I realized everyone else was equally as anxious as me. So if I just pretended not to be anxious like I thought everyone else was doing, no one would be able to tell the difference! After about a year, I noticed I was genuinely not socially anxious anymore.
A vulgar but often effective behaviouralist trick.
I also disagrees with it @everhopeful . Confidence comes by itself naturally, you don’t have to think or fake it.
I agree with this statement because in my position, I have to fake it as a normal person at work in order to make it as a long term employee.
Recently my sister was applying for a Government job, and the person scheduling the interview told my sis the exact same thing.
Sis had concerns about her qualifications, and the woman said…
“Fake it till you make it”…everybody in the Government does.
So there you go. Even the Human Resources gal understood the power of self confidence and believing in yourself.
I think there’s some truth to it. That said only to some degree. Don’t pretend you are totally comfortable if you feeling are the opposite. Most people are understanding of other people when they feel severely anxious and will give you support if you ask for it.
Seasoned comedians still get nervous before shows. How do you start out as an unknown entertainer without bombing from fear. You have to fake some nerve and confidence. That’s what I gather with the 0 experience I have. I took a nerve-wrecking speech class and that’s where I’m approaching from. ---------
Some Greek philosopher said " Act the way you want to be."
Yea I think there’s some truth in it but not to be taken to extremes
Like being cheerful because things will be ok
And being confident in what you say even if you are not an expert you can still have your own opinion that makes sense to you. Doesn’t mean you’re not up for learning.
people have told me that but I’m not playing that game anymore. The game is rigged. I rather make a few million creating or inventing something. I would like to rent out houses. Maybe 2-3 someday. Its a goal.
What do you mean it is rigged?
I think to me it is just about having a positive confident attitude that things will be ok.
Its rigged against schizophrenics.
I still don’t get it.
It’s just one man’s opinion here. Think of John Nash playing Go against a superior competitor. He made the first move. His play was perfect, but the game was flawed lol.
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