What do you think?

I think I’ve figured out why I started to hear voices! Because I had been put on haloperidol for years and when I stopped it suddenly, that was the first time I started to hear voices and then they even gave me more antipscychotics to treat antipscychotics’ withdrawal adverse event?!!!

I don’t think I have schizophrenia. What do you think?


It’s a conundrum.

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Meds can make people worse especially during withdrawals. But that doesn’t necessarily mean the diagnosis is wrong.

But diagnosis was not schizophrenia before withdrawal of antipsychotic

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How long have you been off? Are you still hearing voices?

No I am not still off… I am researching before I go off…

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I am not hearing voices

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Hm well it’s possible it’s wrong, there’s really no way of knowing right now. It could be drug induced psychosis, the drug being the AP

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Hopefully this is not deleted

That’s interesting, because I have Haldol as a PRN specifically for when symptoms like voices, visuals, acute paranoia get too bad. Paradox.

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Yeah you can get rebound psychosis from antipsychotics. Cuz your brain becomes imbalanced during withdrawal

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Nobody gets a schizophrenia diagnosis early on. Certain symptoms have to present for a minimum amount of time before you get the label. I had several labels before they settled on SZ. This is normal.


Probably you are right, but I never had hallucinations else than 2 times that I had withdrawal from antipsychotics together with antidepressants…This time that I taper off would make it clear though!

Maybe. I’ve gone up to half a year without relapsing after tapering off, but when I do relapse I make it worthwhile.


Yes maybe, but the the thing is I never gave it a try!

I thought I could talk here… But you killed my posts!

What are you talking about? If you had posts hidden or locked, it was due to not following our guidelines. What posts were hidden in this thread, I do not see any.

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All the other ones got close and this one also you didn’t let me reply until 24 hrs or so that way reach got killed…

P.S. Sorry this one didn’t get killed, it was just a brief post and didn’t get much attention but all the others that were comprehensive or so got killed or didn’t let me reply fast…

The 24 hour thing seems to have been a glitch where you were stuck as a new user. I just fixed that.

I reviewed your other posts that were closed. You were just seeking validation of your delusions. We don’t allow that here. And the subsequent posts asking about why they were closed were answered. We do not allow constant "why was my post closed? " posts.


Are you 100% sure they were delusions?