What do you think the biggest blessing in your life is

my life and my spirit.

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My x in sa is the best thing to ever happen to me.
I left him but he is still person I love most but had to be true to myself about animals n environment.

My horse is the best thing to ever happen to me too and my former stepmother who helps me and includes me and gives me cheap rent in her apartment and shows me how to drive places and gives me phone calls.really appreciate getting phone calls from her and I know she is busy.

My car and license.

My dog

That Iā€™m on a vegan diet and all the beautiful food I get to buy.

That my parents and stepmother and others are still alive.

I have my own space to live.
My favourite place to live is sa but I can be vegan here and do what I want.

Ladies I volunteer with.
That they are kind to me and help me and that they care about the environment.

I might have a couple people to hang out with.see how it goes.

I have so many blessings.

My local church organisation sells ready made vegan meals.i am not Christian but appreciate buying their food and the good they do.

My ability I do have.
All things I can and do do.

Feeling better since I met my x in sa.

Know who I am more now and feel happy about that and that Iā€™m pretty stable now.

My disability pension.

That my horse is still alive and well and happy.

That I can afford to go to my favourite cafe once a fortnight.

The Thai food and other great food places I can get food from.

I have so many more blessings but there are a few.


Twisted sense of humor that lets me laugh at almost anything even my own tragedies.

My GF and my guitars.

My mom 15151515

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