What do you think rules life

My friend said that Freud thinks it is sex.

That ultimately everything comes down to sexual stuff.

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Freud is a fraud. :dolphin::dolphin::dolphin:


Unfortunately for most, seeking advantage for their individual need.

Well let me tell you, if you can liberate yourself from libido, life can become so much easier and more

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Everything is not about sex. There more to life than just sex. sex is part of life yes.

I think money rules a lot in people’s lives. It enables shelter, food, security and survival

Money the invisible shackles of our modern world

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Of course money lol :money_with_wings:

A lot of people don’t have sex for extended periods of time. If sex is all life is about, what about those people?

Money makes more sense.

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Freud was a heavy cocaine user lol He was prescribing cocaine to his patients. He probably died from it. I wouldn’t believe anything coming out of a drug user.

“Freud was an early user and proponent of cocaine as a stimulant as well as analgesic. He believed that cocaine was a cure for many mental and physical problems, and in his 1884 paper “On Coca” he extolled its virtues. Between 1883 and 1887 he wrote several articles recommending medical applications, including its use as an antidepressant.”


If i remember well, Frankl wrote Freud & co think life is ruled by the will to sex, pleasure. Goethe thinks it is ruled by the will to power. Frankl says it is by the will to meaning. Finding meaning in life in their own way is what drives people…through creating something they attach worth to, connecting to others or even dealing with suffering in a dignified way if that is their only option left. He says, if i remember well, only when people’s sense of meaning is utterly destroyed, they are purely driven by hedonistic pleasure or power.

This article responds to this. (Im not sure this is allowed here), it is not meant to proselytize, but to show the categories and this fourth one. It says Jesus (as well as others) work from the Will to Love. Though i feel he perhaps simplifies Frankl’s argument, i can see the beauty in this fourth rule too.

Like fixing a cat.

From what I’ve read and learned, Nietzsche’s will to power is in most cases misunderstood. It has nothing to do with acquiring power in terms of politics or money, as an example. His will to power is a concept of a being’s will to creativity and vitality. He privileged one’s vitality and creativity (a lot of it explained in the so called self-overcoming in the Thus Spoke Zarathustra.) over everything else, including the search for truth. For him it was about constantly reinventing oneself and making creative progress as one goes through life, while maximizing vitality and saving one’s energy on what’s important for that individual. For example, if you realize that you are not helped by social media because it drains you of energy, you stay away from it, because it makes you exhausted. On the other hand, if exercise and books help you on your progress, or whatever, then you say yes to those things. He implied that we evolved from the beasts we once were because we got bored and invented tools and myths, and art, and everything else we are good at compared to the rest of species that didn’t win the evolutionary lottery. As for the meaning of life, for him it was the life itself.

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Sheepish obedience to an unknown leader.

That’s how they sell nice cars and all the other fancy stuff , to impress da ladies :sunglasses:

Am I naive to say love? Seeking it, trying to hold onto it, dying for it. Anyway, it’s what my geography professor told me, “love makes the world go round.” I’ll agree.

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For me it is addiction. Nothing is stronger than being addicted to something. It sounds bad but it gives you a purpose in a bad way. My addictions are getting me out of my bed. I try to quit smoking cold turkey again. I’ve thrown everything smoking related out. It will be a wonder if I make it until tomorrow without smoking a cigarette.

Thanks! I didnt read him myself. Just by what Frankl wrote. This sounds interesting. Maybe to present his point, and make a contrast, Frankl simplified Nietzsche as well.

Thanks for the interesting read, maybe i should read something of him myself.

I think most pdoc’s today are Freudian. I never found much comfort in his writings. His model of the personality - the id, the ego, and the super ego - is elegant and beautiful, but it doesn’t predict anything. Freud might say, “The guy stole the car because his super ego and his id were at war, and his ego was too weak to mediate between them.” A better take might be, “He wanted a hot car so badly he couldn’t resist stealing one.” He made too much of the unconscious mind, and I think he was to heavily influenced by his time to have a decent understanding of women.

I think what rules life is money. If you have money, you can do anything.