I find them fascinating
i don’t quite know how to answer this succinctly so i#ll just plough in and do my best. i read ian stevensons case studies with great interest, among others in the field and i was intrigued yet slightly disappointed. some of the cases seemed at first glance to be watertight but when when i looked at the cultural expextations of near death experiences i got to be disapointed at the validity of actual death as opposed to something else going on in a dying brain.
not all of them spoke of a white or bright light for instance, or going down a tunnel. some of them seemed to just pop out of their bodies and float around the scene of death for a minute until they decided to go back. other people were seemingly met by relatives and told that this was not their time. other people seemed to be sucked back in by medical intervention…i guess there are lots of different ways to die and lots of different ways to be born into the afterlife and that could explain some of the differences but think on this for a moment. when babies are born, they all (apart from c sections) come out the same way, through the birth canal…some breech, some head first but what i#m trying to say is that the basic experiences are roughly the same yet we don’t tend to see those similarities in enough numbers with the n.d.e . i liken it to the dreamers or basic nutcase’s out of body experience. some speak of astral projection and flying, visiting mars and such like fantastical stuff that i personally do not believe for a moment…i am much more inclined to believe in the basic out of body experience…maybe it’s a practice event for ejecting the soul or consciousness at death…who knows…the thing is, nobody has yet come up with a sort of bugging device for the dying brain and until that day comes the living’s beliefs about n.d.e’s are purely that. beliefs and nothing more.
They are most certainly intense experiences. I hope my transmigration is amazing. Death shouldn’t feel hopeless. At least make it a happy experience.
I think that the concepts of heaven and hell originated from people’s near-death experiences. The brain is flooded with ■■■■like DMT…then if someone comes back to life, then they spread ■■■■about heaven or hell.
But traumatic near death experiences, like almost being killed, in accidents or war or whatever, are not fun and leave permanent scars of people’s psyches. I had one when I was a little kid. It was not pleasant, very bitter. Sort of makes me bitter when I think about it, it made me realize what life really meant to me.
I’m more afraid of near-life experiences.
take invega or risperidal and you will have them every day quaks
I don’t.
But seriously the same organ that delivers something as complex as a visual representation of the world , is capable of projecting any whimsy. Anyway , I’ve had visual hallucinations while awake , fairly complex visual hallucinations , so I don’t trust my brain , that much , considering , I would be unconscious , semi conscious or whatever…
Ive had a few “near death” situations, and I have yet to have a “epiphany”.
Ive also had God talk to me directly.
I don’t know ,im a full blown psychotic so take from that what you will.
Ive nearly died twice in car accidents. Im very lucky. Time goes really slow. Like really really slow. I saw the light during one of the accidents. It was night time but it got real bright and peacefull. I wolf pushed me back into my body
From what I’ve heard about NDE’s on the internet most of them are euphoric beyond belief - about ninety per cent. One girl said that if felt better than every single good experience combined that she’d had while alive. I find that heartening. It does seem like a person’s expectations do affect their near death experience. A few of them are hellish beyond belief - I think about ten per cent. I think some of the fundamentalist Christians have been flooding NDE sites with hellish near death experiences. They need the fear of hell to control the flock. I don’t know what to think of near death experiences. I’ve been visiting some atheist sites on the internet, and they make a lot of sense, but most of these near death experiences have the ring of truth to them.
Just to add , many went to their grave terrified and alone. How many complex life saving medical procedures are being done on this planet at this very second and how many of those people do you suppose will have NDEs?
I had a NDE. It was both terrifying and enlightening. It made me believe in God.
I just watched that same show independently of seeing this thread yesterday! I was obsessed with NDEs after dropping out of university, and I’ve been getting more into them the past 4 months since my grandma died. I think the vast majority of people talking about NDEs are telling the truth about their experiences, and while I believe the Bible first, I think there is probably some truth to these NDEs. I just find them fascinating.
I think it’s funny when people discuss their “past lives”. They always seem to be a Prince or some important person…never the guy who took out the poop! lol!
Great story Bruce
Hmm ,
I Was In A Coma Once ,
For A Little While ,
and I Don’t Remember A Moment Of It ,
I Was Sitting In A Car , Jumped Out Of It , and Woke Up Months Latur In A Hospital Bed ,
Got Out Of Tha Bed In Tha Empty Room ,
Seen A Computer Screen , As I Walked Towards Tha Door ,
A Nurse Walked In and Asked Me If I Needed Anything ,
I Said ,
" can I lissen to some music ? " ,
She Said ,
" sure ill be back in 5 minuetes" ,
and Blah Blah Blah ,
Tha Rest Is My History … ,
So Take Thaz As You Want …
(I mite talk about thus more in my boring journal thread latur on) …
That awful son of a blank.
The wolf isn’t very nice is he.
During my second torture fest possession deal i had an nde.
They induced it in my mind. Dudes are very advanced with what they can do with the mind.
I was wide awake in there. You wouldn’t know you were asleep because you are awake.
So after levitating toward some dark entities behind me i woke up in a pool of sweat.
We’re dust and we die. They lie to people about it although im not sure if thats a bad thing or not. It would cause trouble though if people thought that death wasn’t real.
Just to think these guys are hanging around at hospitals doing this to people’s minds.