What do you think about "street people"?

I’m a bit of a street person. I guess not having a car for so long does that to people. What do you think about them though? You like them or not? I think people frown on me a lot for being a street person.

Do you mean homeless? I’ll talk to anybody

Just anybody who spends time on the streets for whatever reason.

What? Are you hustling? Idk everyone needs love.

No I’m not hustling anything. Mostly just walking, though I can be odd sometimes.

IDK. Doesn’t being a street person mainly entail getting one over on other people on your off time when you’re not busy surviving? And doing drugs? A lot of drama too and not all good.

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Dude, I’m the queen of hanging out with weird people. Don’t worry about it

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No, not everybody on the streets is up to no good. It’s just not everybody drives. There are those up to no good though and I’ve learned to look out for them after being mugged once.

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A lot of it is the religious delusions I have. They often compell me to go walk on the streets. But, I also got a bad tobacco habit I want to get rid of.

‘Street People,’ don’t bother me. It’s the panhandlers that get to me particularly when they are better dressed than I am.

What is a street person?

Basically anybody you see on the streets and not driving. But, I guess to be more authentic you need to be seen several times. Some of the most authentic are seen everyday. Bike riders count too.

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I do t think i have anyone like that around me.

There’s some rich guy that lives in a tent off of the highway in my town. He’s been trying to make a political statement for the last 15 years. People stop and talk to him. An ex cop tried to kill him…

I’m not sure it’d be worth it at that point…

When I think street people I just think of people who live on the street, or hustle drugs to people who live on the street.

It’s been my experience that some people living on the street are nice and have just fallen on hard times, but some of them are just plain no good.

That’s a common assumption, but in my experience that’s not all true. I wouldn’t follow anybody in a dark alley though. That’s no good.

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I’m sorry if I offended you, Brian.

I was just speaking from my own experiences.

I used to live in Seattle, which is a city with a huge homeless problem. So I was speaking a lot from those experiences.

There’s a homeless shelter area in this city too. I havn’t been there in a while, but I used to go by there a lot when I lived that way.

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No such thing as street people.
Not unless you are talking about homeless people.

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Yeah they are a dying breed. In Jesus time there was many more.

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I thought street people were homeless folk…