What do you think about passive aggressive people?

There subhuman and should change their ways. Ok I’m done being mad. It’s fruitless.

Subhuman passive aggressive its everywhere. :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::lying_face:

It’s typically applied to women.
Are you making a sexist comment?

No I’m not. Are you implying all women are passive aggressive? That has not been my experience at all. I’ve only met two for sure passive aggressive people. My ex step dad and my ex mil. They’re both trash.

Ahhh no. It’s a conjuring artifice.

Better passive aggressive than active aggressive. Active aggressive people are worse.

Better than a physically aggressive person maybe. I don’t think passive aggressive are better than physically in general aggressive people. To be honest I’d rather get my ass beat than put up with my ex mil. The reason is because I stooped to her level. I never want to do that again.

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I knew it. Imagine being the victim of oppressive male abuse!

I’ve forgiven her. She hasn’t forgiven me. I think she’s bitter and sour grapes. I try to rationalize her behavior. The only conclusion I can come up with is she does it subconsciously. I don’t think anybody can be that down right horrible of a person consciously.

Do you want me to come and beat Phil’s ass? :joy: That’s a joke.

I’m pretty protective over you Daze.

Well, no. Im a poet and have rarely succumbed to thinking violence is the answer.

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Don’t worry, I’ll never call you anything but aggressive aggresive, Daze!

(Couldn’t pass that up, sorry.)



Just snarky @shutterbug
Haha good one though.

I apologize for othering passive aggressive people. It’s down right wrong. I let my anger get the best of me.

Yeah okay but you meant it.

It’s a forum for the support for mentally ill people. Have the night off @Enlightenedbeing. Please be civil and supportive.

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