What do you do if

If you feel like you’re negatively affecting people with your thoughts. I hope it’s not true, but I feel like I’m somehow pushing my thoughts into other people and I think a lot of bad, dumb ■■■■. I try and be positive towards others, but I think some pretty dark ■■■■, and it goes on and on like a reel. Sometimes it abates or I don’t focus on it too much, but most of the time it’s there. I feel like I’m a demon who only pretends to be nice when in actuality I’m evil. I know I’m not going to do anything evil, I’ll kill myself before that happens, but it still worries me that I’m hurting others.

I thought this was happening when I was in hospital. One day I decided to test it and gave my magic negative “power” my best shot. And nothing at all happened.

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Yeah when I was in the hospital a psychologist and I tried to test it and read each others thoughts. Didn’t work. Still ■■■■■■■ feels like it’s happening.

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No one can read your thoughts :thought_balloon:
They are private.

But thoughts are transformed into actions and energy. As yogis say.

I have the same problem exactly but i don’t think it affects others or they know my thoughts.

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We human beings are not capable of mind reading yet, that’s why we use our mouths to talk

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The voices make it seem so real, they take on the voices of others at times. How do you differentiate between reality and fantasy?

It sucks thinking people can read your thoughts. I got the idea from a radio host who was making jokes about it when I was in psychosis. Could have gone a lifetime without thinking that.

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