What do you do at nights?

I like the nights for it allows us to be of less tension and alone. Think that we are king/queen. There is no conversation, no tantrums, crowds etc. I do many things ranging from fav food, snacks, music, videos, sit, think, reflect and of course sleep. Creativity cant be better than being alone at night. So what do you do?

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I watch the yankees, play with my cat, go to bed early. I used to watch porn a lot but I quit that.


I too quit porn sort of. Not sure if i will be able to continue that.

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TBH I do it once a week still. But it feels like I quit. Because when I watch it its like I never watched it before and its great and enjoyable and not destructive at all to my mind I feel.

I used to watch it 2-3 times a day but now its once a week and I feel much healthier as a result.

It used to be a race to try to finish, now I try to hold in my orgasm as long as I could cuz it doesn’t take long when I only watch porn once a week lol


I have really bad insomnia, so I stay awake and watch YouTube documentaries and finally fall asleep.
It’s pretty boring.

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I now want the orgasm to be changed to eargasm or mindgasm. So that i learn things that i never learned before. Dont want to explore more in porn as it is refreshing everytime as you say and it pulls you from anyhthing else. Naughty lol.

I try to watch porn, but every time I do I feel guilty and ashamed. I tend to work on my writing or play the Sims 4. Sometimes I sit and watch different you-tube videos and just try and relax enough for bed.

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I don’t get anything from porn. I find it really weird that people get enjoyment from it.

It’s like watching someone eat food.
Seems like a regular behavior that isn’t exciting whatsoever.

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Its a natural phenomenon. Many do that. Good thing about it is: It relieves one from the stress and gets us to bed in a snap. I personally do not want to get into that but sometimes nature calls. :slight_smile:

It might be that I’m asexual and don’t find it to be stimulating.

I thought porn was fun until I watched a documentary about the industry which revealed that the average length of a porn actor’s career is 3 months. After 3 months the majority have acquired HIV through unprotected sex on set. The industry promises the performers that all actors will be tested each month. The scandal is that high paying actors are HIV positive and allowed to continue to work. Most straight men are also forced to do gay porn which is how the majority acquire HIV. It is then passed on to the straight women. Very sad. Why can’t they all be on PREP? Who knows maybe they are now. This documentary was made in 2013. Peace.

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Soft videos?? 15 more

Thats pretty sad and sick. I don’t approve of the porn industry although Im not against it either. I think it should be reformed not eliminated. I’m way glad I have cut way down it was a sick habit. I look much better and clearer and less “dirty” ever since I quit it. I also have stopped obsessing with sex.

Actually this topic should deviate from porn as it is not only about porn as we think about nights. Lets talk about something else. Its depressing to get into it on and on. Re-read topic :wink:

Try to watch my shows but can’t focus well enough to, then pass out because of geodon sedation.

I’m at a lame situation with geodon right now because I’m at a very low dose at this point that doesn’t do anything positive but it’s somehow still sedating me just as badly as it did at higher doses :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: so sick of this med

I am doing a gamble here. I know that everyone knows i stopped med and started it, but actually stopped it for a few days maybe as i am experiencing normalcy and i enjoy it. :blush: I will definitely keep a watch though.

Anna hope you do well eventually with your meds and back to watching your shows…


I go to sleep. :sleeping:

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Ish you can do better than that. haha

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I am pretty sure I snore a lot.

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I wish I was asexual, sometimes. It does solve a lot of potential problems though, asexuality!

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