I currently lived mostly dependant of my father and mother.They have everything,while I have a few thousands inside my bank and a car under my name,that’s it
I have nothing of value.
I own nothing.
I have not taxes that way
I have a room full of stuff. Odd items, five electric guitars, my cloths and shoes, a bed, two amps, two plastic crates full of guitar pedals, a milk crate of vacuum tubes and misc guitar stuff, a Fender stool, a wi-fi speaker, and my knives and pipes.
No car, I don’t own the house I live in.
I own a car but I don’t know how much longer it will last. It has a lot of milage and is currently giving trouble. plus I am only on disability so I can hardly afford it.
I have some savings, but if I wanted to retire I would have to live with my parents and live frugally.
It’s not easy to save money,I am now taking a relax stand.Just got married,and I only started saving this month.I am 31 years old
Relax meaning I am not really strict on saving,but am still saving…
Probably just my savings, investments, wallet, chair, razer stuff, lamp, bottles and sennheiser earphones with case and comply tips. Add in a book or two along with various protectors, screen film and cases. Probably my dog’s deluxe bed as well. Xiaomi portable chargers. Yoga mat. Probably fake Duora 10(badminton racket)
I could add more but it came from my dad’s bank account/credit cards/used to own.
Just a room full of stuff. I’ve a legal guardian and live with my father. I’ve couple books, not too many. Some devices and lots of clothes. Two pairs of boots and a pair of sneakers and two pairs of houseshoes. But for the luxurious things I have a fridge in my new room.
I have two houses. One of my father built and one i bought for myself, one car, one motor cycle, two scooter, all house hold items like sofa, dining, washing machine, TV etc. one laptop, one desktop computer, one guitar.
A 2 bedroom house with a patio and garden. And a car. And obviously the house is full of stuff. It’s not a 3 bedroom like the one I just moved out of, but the rooms are bigger and so is the garden.
Even though it’s not in my name, I own a car with my father.
I also own other things like my iPhone, clothes.
My books, clothes, pets, art equipment, sewing machine, some towels and bedding, one chest of drawers, and some kitchen items.
My husband owns the house and car and furniture
My phone.
I’m happy with that so its alright.
Basically everything I have is under my husband’s name or both of ours.
Alone, I own a car.
I own a home I can’t afford and a car. The car is paid off though so that’s good.
I own my gaming pc and cellphone lol
My house, my car, my stocks & investments, assorted tech and instruments.
A ton of debt lmao
And a pension savings acc
My car was gifted to me so we avoided the transfer taxes. Otherwise I own two banjos and some other things but the banjos mean the most to me.