What do we gotta do Sheri, to get the human element in the workforce

“Get back to work.” manager thought, and discriminated, that I was just gabbing on the phone on my 15 minute break. No, I was getting a donation for the CF walk. didn’t say anything to him.


I have the opposite problem, my manager keeps stressing that I take my break.

I don’t usually take a break at work. I drive around in a minivan all day listening to my favourite radio stations dropping off packages on peoples porches. I really enjoy my job. Taking a break entails driving into a gas station or strip mall and just sitting in the van for half and hour doing nothing, BORING, I hate taking breaks at this job.

We have this Android device where we record stuff like gas purchased, packages delivered, break times, etc… on it. So they know I don’t take any breaks. The way it is setup you can’t lie about taking breaks because it records kilometres driven so they would know I was driving and working if I faked a break. I’m not the only one skipping breaks though because my manager gave some of us a lecture telling us to take our breaks.

I feel like my work is a break and my break is work. Never felt like that before, in previous jobs I loved my breaks, but that was probably because I was a smoker back then and wanted my smoke break.


I can’t make you respond, but I really wish you had said something

about me doing human things on my breaks.

but hell, you got a like. I didn’t.

Okay, I’ll say something.

It’s your break, you can do whatever you want. gab on your phone or donate. That is none of your bosses business what you do.


yeah. okay. you have no idea, what we’ve been thru,

my kids and me. and doing anything for money.

No I don’t have any idea what you’ve been through but I’ve had crappy jobs in the past to make money too, but what does that have to do with your break? Your post was about your break.

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my gawd. a single mother raising two disabled kids.

there is no comparison between me and you.

kudos, Sheri, you were there, and they turned out great!

and then went on to go the extra mile for everyone else!

you’re hated on this site, Sheri, just shut up.

If the topic had been about you and your disabled kids I would have spoken about that in a compassionate manner, but you started talking about breaks, and then went on this tangent about your life that I have no way of knowing about and now you’re accusing me of not being compassionate. I’m done with this conversation, it’s gone way off topic.


that’s fine. many people on here know my daughter has CF, and my son has Down syndrome.
maybe I didn’t explain.
this whole conversation you keep getting likes.
I think I’ll go eat some worms. ha.

You seem more bipolar to me, but what do I know?

Jesus, I wouldn’t say heartless, but maybe tomorrow, if I’m not suspended.

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Sheri? Sheri. what the fu-cking hell. schizophrenics can’t.

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I think it’s admirable that you’ve raised two disabled children, but why do you so desperately seek external validation? And if you don’t get it, you disparage the person.

You may want to talk to your pdoc about this.


I hope work will go better for you soon. Your a strong woman.

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I always have antisocial jobs. I like to have some human interaction.

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it has nothing to do with mental illness,

but what I typically always do,
being in someone else’s shoes.

too much to ask?
never mind, this thread got derailed.