What comes to mind when you see this picture?


The social roles one has


Why is he looking out the window if he has no eyes?


That’s a great question! I didn’t see that when I saw it. I was focusing on the faceless man and the masks only


nothing comes to mind just thought it was a bit of a non picture tbh, not great art at all

He made a nice thread,

You don’t have to be hateful.

Om said it. 1515

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i’m not, thats my opinion if you dont like then thats not my problem

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He is a man of many faces. :fish::fish::fish:


Bipolar and lonely

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It makes me think he’s lonely and always has to put on a mask to hide his true feelings


I see a narcissist empty with no feelings so he has disguises ready to fool the world.

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Actually I see a sociopath…

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I don’t know if you meant it that way but your comment came across as sorta rude

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well it wasnt, eefh`[3fh

Very scary. A man forced to wear masks.


Oh. Ok. I didn’t know if you were just airing your opinion or being rude. Either way I don’t suppose I’m the rude people police. My bad I guess.

i’m not a rude person

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Years ago when I was in deep emotional pain I smiled all the time around people. There was no way I was going to let people know how broken hearted I was. I spent a great deal of my life feeling unloved/unlovable. I’m ok now but as a young woman well I can’t even describe the pain. I don’t wish it on anyone.