What changes in fluctuating cognition have you experienced?

For the post question I mean cognition as the ability to function, be social, use intelligence with conscious aims, etc…

I am noticing an uptake in my condition, from finally abstaining from dopamine addictions. I suppose there is no real shockers there.

But the way my mind comes out of sedation gets weirder than that, like my periphery vision is opening up in a noticeable way, my conscious voice is more coherent and internally ‘sounds’ different than it used to in terms of a emulation of a physical voice, my body feels different and less in pain or stiff with anxiety, my mind can think things through to visualize future outcomes.

So… does anyone else notice these effects when they abstain from dopamine spiking activities?

My experience with what I call “fluent thoughts” and dopamine agonists are mixed. Once when i stopped, my thoughts suddenly went form “fluid and coherent” to only one short sentence at a time, then a break, silence, then a short sentence or outburst again, but after abstaining from dopamine agonists a while, and increase of my meds, Vraylar / Cariprazine, my thoughts and cognition in general are very much better. I now think fluently in a coherent way and i’m much more organized.

this might sound weird. but everytime i talk to someone i always depend on theyre “reply”. i gain motivation from the “reply” then i get declined of congnitive funtion when i leave from the place… you might be thinking this is normal…but to me… its diffrent… like… the entire delema…

usually motivation is the need to recover

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Yep same here, but with added effects that influence my 5 senses, such as my periphery vision ‘widening’ or the ability to hear my own voice spoken out loud.

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Might be the serotonin uptake from social interaction? Or dopamine release?
If the interaction isn’t positive to you, then there will probably not be such a release of those neurotransmitters, which can cause subjective pleasure in your experience.

i see… ok… i usually dont “force” myself to have conversations… usually my converstion is about the example. i get uncomfortable after a few sentences.

everytime im well rested i just dont know what to do… sometimes i can read or watch videos but after that time i just get lost and idk to explore more??.. can you catch my drift here??

I assume you mean like unfocused brain fog.
I am also going through that now, but I think it has more to do with being an insomniac than this disease, or as a side effect of the abilify which I am back on now.

Our culture leaves young people with limited options to use their time. Positive interactions seem like a thing of the past to me at this point, so I get the feeling of being in that loop.

But the thing is that it can go on for a long time, so eventually the risk of finding out from a interaction is less than the risk of social isolation.

I would rather talk to people when my mind is with it, but I know that isn’t always an option. It sucks honestly, but I would think it makes all the difference from the people surrounding you, so hopefully you have supportive figures instead of punishing ones.

Unfortunately I have never noticed my cognition increasing because of social engagement. For me I have to abstain from dopamine and wait a long time for a cognitive return to normality.

after watching 5 minutes of trying to understand i get the brain frog then after that i cant understand anything anymore… i rely on OCD then i become bi-polar. this is what im trying to say… after the 5 minute mark i just feel lost…then i get aggressive… then i get fatigued…

Okay, I get what you mean. You have problems interacting with too much stimulus.

Well its good that there may be methods to deal with that, to calm the mind and remove some of that absorbed stimulus.

I would suggest some videos by Andrew Huberman, especially the one on his calm breathing technique.

It is also good to know that TV screens can trigger epilepsy in people, and in general even normal people lose their attention span usually within 30 minutes. TV is known to put people into the theta (semi-asleep) brain wave state artificially, which is unnatural for us to be induced into.